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"feeling" others siezures

Thu, 06/22/2006 - 06:27
I am blessed to have certain gifts and one that I found by accident is the ability to tell when the little girl I am an Aide for has a siezure coming. It may sound strange but I can be near her and feel her aura start, look at her and ask if she is ok and sure enough she wil begin to spiral down. I say spiral because that is how it feels to me. Like she is spiraling down a black hole and everything fades away to black. There is a definite spinning feeling. I am now able to sense this spiral and get her into a safe position. She does not have spasms but gets very weak along with having Cerebral Palsey and needs to be sitting and held up. Does anyone have experience with this "sensing"? I am a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and my other gifts include clairevoyance, clairesentience, and a weaker ability for mediumship. Lovea nd light, Tracey


Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by gwen48 on Mon, 2006-06-26 - 09:59
Interesting. I am a bit of a sceptic when it comes to alternative medicine as a replacement for traditional medicine. In combination with I would agree, depending on the individual. I have had massages all my life with only positive effects. I will say that I had a Chinese massage not to long ago referred to as "Taihe", went home and that night I had an aura, and two the next day. There must be something to the blood flow, because I rarely have auras, and have no other explanation for them. That was my first and only Chinese massage. Gwen

Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by Healer on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 18:27
Hi Gwen, Love that you get regular massages, they are beneficial in so many ways. I agree with you that that any comlimentary modality NEVER be done in place of physician's orders. That's why it's called complimentary, LOL :) I am sorry that you had an aura after that massage and hope you don't have to go thru that again. Love and light, Healer

Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by rebpow on Mon, 2006-06-26 - 20:34
Hello all. Although I have not tried Reiki, I'd like to share my experience with Acupuncture. (I have 3-5 Partial Seizures a week where I cannot move or speak for 5-30 minutes and/or where I have automitisms and moan/grunt.) I had several months of Acupuncuture. Sometimes, during the session I would feel my body go very still and feel really relaxed. Not necessarily uncommon for acupuncture, but it brought to mind the way I feel during a szr. Then one day, when the second/third needle went in, I felt my body freeze. When the acupuncturist asked me to move my leg, I could not. When she spoke to me I couldn't answer. Anyway, I eventually ended up another acupuncturist. I had the exact thing happen with the needle she put between my eyes. I was able to slur a quiet word or two with much effort. Now I cannot tell if this was a result of the stress and anxiety I feel during the sessions ( I hate needles and find certain areas extremely painful and emotional), or if it was the proceedure that triggered the seizures. I do have seizures more often when I'm stressing about something, but it was interesting that both seizures started immediatly after a needle going in and with no aura. I thought that the acupunture was doing me good, but I recently stopped because on looking at my journal, I realized that while I had good weeks, I had more bad weeks and they didn't neccesarily correspond with my acupuntcure treatment. That's my story. Love, Reb

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