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"feeling" others siezures

Thu, 06/22/2006 - 06:27
I am blessed to have certain gifts and one that I found by accident is the ability to tell when the little girl I am an Aide for has a siezure coming. It may sound strange but I can be near her and feel her aura start, look at her and ask if she is ok and sure enough she wil begin to spiral down. I say spiral because that is how it feels to me. Like she is spiraling down a black hole and everything fades away to black. There is a definite spinning feeling. I am now able to sense this spiral and get her into a safe position. She does not have spasms but gets very weak along with having Cerebral Palsey and needs to be sitting and held up. Does anyone have experience with this "sensing"? I am a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and my other gifts include clairevoyance, clairesentience, and a weaker ability for mediumship. Lovea nd light, Tracey


Re: Lisa, Dr. Mikao Usui, the

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2006-06-25 - 06:45
First of all, just because it isn't on the internet or some web site or in the books, DOESN'T MEAN IT DIDNT HAPPEN TO ME! I am tired of trying to prove things to you just because you believe in one way. I know what happened to me. I went in and had Reiki and craniosacral therapy and I had a seizure. I WAS TOLD BY THE PRACTITIONER, THAT IT COULD HAVE CAUSED IT, BECAUSE THE BLOOD FLOWS DIFFERENTLY! I HAVE TO PROVE WHAT MY PRACTITIONER TOLD ME? That is just ridiculous. IT NOT ONLY HAPPENED TO ME ONCE, BUT TWICE. I HAD A MASSAGE AND I EXPERIENCED AURAS ALL WEEKEND WHEN I HAD A MASSAGE! Sure it could have been a fluke, but it sure did happened to me. So I dont expect anyone to tell me different! YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST CALL ME A LIAR! There are so many things that happen to people with their seizures, the doctors dont expect to happened. I am sure there are many on this board would tell you strange experiences that happen to them with their seizures. Are you going to tell THEM it didnt happen? For me, the patient is the one that knows best what is happening to them. I had so many things happened to me and my seizures in my life, that my doctor expects it now. -VNS could cause sleep apnea but rare -Seeing a Chiropractor at one time in my life was seizure free without meds -ketogenic diet I did as an adult and helped some -Multiple Subpeil Transection brain surgery-rare to have it done and have it done as many times as I have. -Topamax cause me 20 seizures in a day twice -Reiki, Craniosacral, Massage caused seizures and many more strange experiences THEY WERE ALL REAL AND I EXPERIENCED THEM ALL! NO MATTER WHAT A DOCTOR, PERSON, WEB SITE SAYS! But I dont want to give anyone false hope about massages, craniosacral therapy and massages to this group. Group- check out these sites. Massages, craniosacral, Reiki, Shitsu can be very helpful, relaxing and can help with seizures. Talk with your doctor first. The only problem is, not all doctors believe in things like this to help. PEOPLE ARE ALL DIFFERENT! NO TWO PEOPLE ARE ALIKE WHEN IT COMES TO OUR SEIZURES! WE ALL EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING SO DIFFERENTLY WHEN IT COMES TO OUR SEIZURES! I would really appreciate if you would not go against me each time I post. If you dont like something I say. Dont repond. THIS IS A SUPPORT GROUP AND I TOLD YOU BEFORE, I DONT WANT TO BATTLE YOU AT ALL I WANT TO HELP SUPPORT THIS GROUP! PEOPLE NEED TO BE MORE OPEN-MINDED WHEN IT COMES TO SEIZURES! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Lisa

Re: Re: Lisa, Dr. Mikao Usui, the

Submitted by Healer on Sun, 2006-06-25 - 20:26
Hi Lisa, I completely agree with you that every person is different and has very individual experiences. When I have clients tell me that they had this expereince or that, I must take their word for it. It did happen to them, after all. If I have a client tell me they had a siezure the last time they experienced reiki I would be very irresponsible to say "oh, that won't happen with me". I would advise them of the risks, ask for a doctor's note and if the client still wanted reiki I would have them sign a release. I would then proceed very slowly and communicate withe that person at all times to make sure they remain well. As for blood flow, I am in school for massage therapy and yes, it increases and improves circulation. There could be many reasons why it would affect the brain and increase the risk for siezure. Reiki affects the parasympathetic nervous system as well and affects many chemicals in the brain that could increase risk of seizure. I would advise anyone seeking massage or reiki or any modality for that matter, to let the practitioner know of their medical history and past experiences. Blessings, Healer

Re: Re: Re: Lisa, Dr. Mikao Usui, the

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-06-26 - 06:22
Healer I do believe that Reiki and massages can be of a big help to people with seizures. I just never tried it out anymore. I would love to try it out again in the near future. For the relaxation with them, is wonderful. Thanks for your support in this subject. take care, Lisa

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