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"feeling" others siezures

Thu, 06/22/2006 - 06:27
I am blessed to have certain gifts and one that I found by accident is the ability to tell when the little girl I am an Aide for has a siezure coming. It may sound strange but I can be near her and feel her aura start, look at her and ask if she is ok and sure enough she wil begin to spiral down. I say spiral because that is how it feels to me. Like she is spiraling down a black hole and everything fades away to black. There is a definite spinning feeling. I am now able to sense this spiral and get her into a safe position. She does not have spasms but gets very weak along with having Cerebral Palsey and needs to be sitting and held up. Does anyone have experience with this "sensing"? I am a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and my other gifts include clairevoyance, clairesentience, and a weaker ability for mediumship. Lovea nd light, Tracey


Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by Healer on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 18:32
Hi Reb, I love acupuncture and have a wonderful and knowledgeable woman who works on me. My understandingis that there is pain in the area of a blockage of energy. As an example, the first time I went She put a needle in my big toe that hurt intensely. She said it was due to an energy block in my spleen line (if I remember right) and that it would stop hurting when the block was cleared. The pain did subside after a few minutes as well as the associated symptoms with that meridian. Love and light, Healer

Re: Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by rebpow on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 21:34
Hello Healer, When you went in for subsequent sessions, did your big toe hurt each time. If so, how many sessions did it take for the pain to not occur at all. And was it at that point where you noticed improvement in your epilepsy? Warm regards -Reb

Re: Re: Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by Healer on Wed, 2006-06-28 - 14:55
Hi Reb, First, I do not have epilepsy. I came to this site because the little girl I am an Aide for has epilepsy. I have, so far, found some very nice people here:) I hope it is OK that I hang around. I am always looking for ways to help her, she is 7. Ok, about the acupuncture. No, the pain did not return nor has the symptoms I was experiencing due to the block. I have had pain with other needles, such as my wrist, but was told that it was a major power meridian and was common for feel a bit of pain there. Over all I have found acupuncture to be very peaceful for me and a great time to meditate. My Mother in-law, who passed of breast cancer in January '06, did not have a good result from her acupuncture. She experienced major pain in many areas. She lived in Maine. My acupuncturist (Connecticut) said that the person in Maine may have been doing a more agressive form of acupuncture and should not have with a woman of her age going thru chemo. She also said that Chemotherapy can lead to hypersensitivy such as this. My Mum in-law did LOVE reiki and had wonderful results. I attuned her to levels 1 nad 2 so she could work on herself and I worked on her as well. The original cancer site was reduced then gone after reiki and chemo. However, it did metastasize to her liver. She passed of a secondary infection. The Reiki alleviated many of the effects of chemo with her and others I have worked on. I hope this helped a bit. I have heard from other reiki practitioners that clients with mental health issues have had poor results and yes, siezures, while undergoing reiki. Many blessings and keep looking for what works for you, Healer

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