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"feeling" others siezures

Thu, 06/22/2006 - 06:27
I am blessed to have certain gifts and one that I found by accident is the ability to tell when the little girl I am an Aide for has a siezure coming. It may sound strange but I can be near her and feel her aura start, look at her and ask if she is ok and sure enough she wil begin to spiral down. I say spiral because that is how it feels to me. Like she is spiraling down a black hole and everything fades away to black. There is a definite spinning feeling. I am now able to sense this spiral and get her into a safe position. She does not have spasms but gets very weak along with having Cerebral Palsey and needs to be sitting and held up. Does anyone have experience with this "sensing"? I am a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and my other gifts include clairevoyance, clairesentience, and a weaker ability for mediumship. Lovea nd light, Tracey


Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by scorpio on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 11:00
Most interested to find others who have used acupuncture for epi, beneficially or not. There do not seem to be many who have. For myself, acupuncture was the first type of treatment in my life to almost completely control my TLE seizures (then 5/6/7 per week). Having said that, I have been to a number of practioners since my first and found the effectiveness of their treatments variable, some very good, some not so. So, in my book, acupuncture definitely 'works' but how successfully depends very much on the person doing it. Which is not surprising when you consider the knowledge and the skills in diagnosis, prescription and practice required for any successful treatment. Clearly, a deficiency in any one of these will result in a treatment being less effective than it might otherwise have been. Unsurprisingly, acupuncture is a form of treatment that does not easily lend itself to 'scientific' analysis/comparison - which is a pity really. I would certainly encourage anyone, with the opportunity to do so, to try it. One word of caution: the seizures might (appear) to get 'worse' during the first few treatments. In my case the seizures changed both in nature, frequency and time of occurence before things got better. At least this indicated that 'something' was happening and my feeling at the time was that if the acupuncturist could stimulate seizures he could also do the reverse, which he did. I am glad I stuck with it. I could go into more detail if interested. Chris

Hi Chris, I'd love to hear

Submitted by rebpow on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 12:40
Hi Chris, I'd love to hear more about your experiences with acupuncture. Perhaps you can start a new thread in the Complementary Therapies Forum so others can see the topic and hear more opinions about this modality and share their own experiences. I tried doing this before with no response, but maybe we should try again. It was good for me to hear about you trying different acupuncturists and having better results with some. The one I went to for over three months every week was the Chinese technique. That seemed to lower the intensity of my seizures during the first month, but the benefits tapered off and I started having the same difficulty and intensity that I had before starting the treatments. Then I started taking Lamictal (my first attempt to use medication) and then it was difficult to sort out what was working (not that my seizures really improved very much with anything). I stopped going to this practitioner because of the anxiety I felt about this intense pain and emotional experience. When I went to the Western practitioner for a month. The treatments were more mild the first few times, but I never really felt that it did anything. Then the last session was the one I mentioned about freezing and being unable to speak properly (this one also had some intense pain with the last needle). I'm nervous about trying acupunture again, but I'm tempted to after hearing about your success with it. Thanks for sharing. Reb

Re: Re: Re: "feeling" others siezures

Submitted by angel_lts on Thu, 2006-06-29 - 19:53
Chris Thanks for the info especially since I may try it out in the near future. It is very interesting. Thanks Lisa

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