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Seizures on Awakening

Tue, 07/24/2007 - 08:33
Anybody just have seizures in the mornings. The only Tonic Clonics I have had are always within 1 hour of waking up, mostly after a night out as I do like a little drink now and again. What medication is the best - I am on 300 mg of Lamictal. Anyone got any experience with this.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by Jo Jo on Tue, 2007-09-18 - 05:41
Hi Emily, thanks for your comments and certainly do not worry about too much information - I never think there is too much when it comes to Epilepsy! For me it is really nice to find someone who seems to have exactly the same experiences as me. I have tried really hard to find someone who has similar seizures to me with JME. How long is it since you have had a seizure? How often do you have them? I have now been completely free for 2 months so quite pleased although as I have mentioned before there seem to appear every 4 months, but whether this is coincidental or the fact that I seem to have a bit of a ´bender´during this time I don´t know. At the moment I am really cutting back on alcohol. Only the odd glass here and there as I really need to know if the tablets are working and can only find this out if I look after myself a little better! The one good thing is with Lamictal my myoclonic jerks have disappeared completely. The is positive however, like you they were my first warning signs of Grand Mals giving me the opportunity to lie down. However, now I seem to wake up and just feel ´not right´and a bit blank. Whenever I feel like this I just lay down until I feel normal or after a seizure if that is what happens. Luckily my husband is just amazing and deals with it really well. I now am on 300mg of Lamictal and doing OK - no real side effects except some tiredness at the beginning and a bit of loss of memory, but the tiredness seems to be disappearing since been on the higher dose now for over 1 month. Where are you from anyway? I am English but live in Majorca, Spain. Perhaps if you let me know your email we can stay in touch as I always find it helps to have someone to talk too who knows exactly what you´re going through. If you are happy to do that then perhaps we can help each other. Take care. Jo

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by EmHolley13 on Sun, 2007-09-23 - 17:34
Hi Jo, Well, JME has been a relatively recent diagnosis for me - one I was not willing to accept until recently. My first seizure was a little over a year ago, after that I had 3 abnormal EEG's but was still unwilling to accept the neurologist's diagnosis, so I opted out of medication hoping it was a one time thing. Needless to say, I had another seizure two weeks ago, and a third one two days ago. It appears they are beginning to happen more frequently as my neurologist warned me would happen if I didn't start the medication. The last one I had was frightening because there were no triggers except for a slight lack of sleep, and I was in the shower so I am pretty banged up - thank god my boyfriend was there to here me fall. I'm scared now because I'm afraid they might start happening all the time and I don't know what to expect. I started my Lamictal today and am nervous about the side effects but know that I am making the right choice. I would be happy to keep in touch with you via email, its so nice to know someone going through the same thing as me, and you are even on the same medication and dosage as me too, which is really nice. My email is and I look forward to hearing from you. And in answer to your other question, I am from the United States - Michigan to be exact, which is in the midwest area. Talk to you soon, Emily

Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by dave 44 on Tue, 2007-09-18 - 10:37
I am 54 the last "real grand mal seizure' I had was about 8 years ago. I did have one about a month ago but that one does not count because I lowered my dose of depecote to see if I needed it cause I was doing so well.,ok? I was 16 when it started and had grand mals from 16 till mid 40s. They were frequent in my teens and 20s common in my 30s tapering off to 1 or two a year in my early 40s till I was having none. I dont know . I hate to say this but I really really think I had a no good brain doctor. He was having me take tegrotol. I was stupid and just assumed he knew best till I finally was reading a book on meds one day by chance in the pharmacy as I was waiting for meds. It said tegratol interferes with depecote. That got me interested so I read more on epilepsy and the types and was amazed to discover I had JME. My doc didnt tell me anything. I was further dumbfounded when I read tegratol can make JME WORSE!!! . I stopped taking it.I was also on dilantin I weaned myself off that when another doc told me problem at all. I was on dilantin for years and not needing it. I remebmer distinctly the no good doc had an intern with him one time.The intern inturupted and said "Maybe hes having seizures because hes on too many meds" He was repremanded by the no good doc for saying that but looking back I think the intern knew something. I was a trusting nincompoop. I was lazy and stupid and did not want to know about it or never thought to learn about it. Looking back I cant beleive how the only thing I read about epilepsy was the stupid little handbook that quack gave me. I was not curious about it and did not want to know about it I guess and I really just dont know why. So,Jo-Jo I just dont know.Was I truly in the small % of JME people who could not be controlled ? or was it becuase of my doctor?both?? I never drank at all.I rarely used illegal drugs,except pot. I did go through a few years of using that ephidrine . It made me awake and I loved it. I never had any problems at all when I was high on that. Then I saw I WAS having problems a few days AFTER.So I never take that anymore. I know I had a few grand mals on account of that. Anyway now its controlled. It only took 30 years! I know youll do better..... Drinking is for other people. Good luck Jo-Jo

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