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Seizures on Awakening

Tue, 07/24/2007 - 08:33
Anybody just have seizures in the mornings. The only Tonic Clonics I have had are always within 1 hour of waking up, mostly after a night out as I do like a little drink now and again. What medication is the best - I am on 300 mg of Lamictal. Anyone got any experience with this.


Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by dave 44 on Thu, 2007-08-09 - 00:35
seizures shortly after awakening are a hallmark of Juvenile myoclonic variety. Others symptoms are epilepsy starts in teen years,genetic, arms and shoulders jerk hard and may go into a grand -mal. Dont drink .Drug of choice for this is depecote . It helped me a little bit but sure did not stop them,not by a long shot. It just worked a little better than the rest.

Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by Jo Jo on Thu, 2007-08-09 - 04:09
Hi Dave, Thanks for replying - 2 days ago I actually went for a 2nd opinion with another neuro and he has indeed diagnosed me with JME. He did said depecote is the best but also that Lamictal can be very successful. I have now stopped drinking although at the weekend have had a small glass of wine after dinner. Are you having a lot of grand mal? The Lamictal seems to have controlled my my myoclonic jerks but not the grand mal - although these do seem to connected with lack of sleep and too much drink which my neuro says are the 2 main triggers in JME? How come they cannot control yours since I have read that JME is relatively successful to control with AED´s? Look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by dave 44 on Thu, 2007-08-09 - 19:46
No doc told me what kind of epilepsy I have . I found out on my own. I am quite sure its J.M.E.I have all the symptoms of it. Most JME is responsive to depecote. I went 10 years without a grand-mal . I wondered if maybe I could reduce my depecote so I started taking one less a day and I also forgot to take it one one night. So, I had a seizure one week ago today.When I was 25 I could have a seizure and feel fine in a day or two. I still feel a little sick a week later now at age 54. All I know is I started taking depecote at about age 30. I was still on tegratol which is supposed to make JME even worse. I had many seizures throughout my 30s whilst on this regime. I spose my docs were quacks.When I found out(on my own) I stopped the tegrotol.I still had seizures but they were not any worse. I am sorry I never bothered to learn anything about epilepsy and just assumed the docs knew what they were doing.I was a tri-dosed zombie for decades. I have found that diezapam(Valium) is like water to fire for my myoclonic jerks. It allows me to have a job and do things that would be unthinkable without it. I am not kidding you.

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