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Seizures on Awakening

Tue, 07/24/2007 - 08:33
Anybody just have seizures in the mornings. The only Tonic Clonics I have had are always within 1 hour of waking up, mostly after a night out as I do like a little drink now and again. What medication is the best - I am on 300 mg of Lamictal. Anyone got any experience with this.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hi Jo Jo I have learned from

Submitted by Jo Jo on Tue, 2007-07-31 - 08:54
Hi Quirky, God, how do you come round then, just lying down. God that seems so much better than mine. I am going to ask my husband for more details as he has seen it a lot. It is always after the seizure, he says I get up really quickly and then start wondering around. This is the bit that scares me the most to think about as I usually know when the seizure happens so can get in a safe place. I hate this illness - just want to have a normal life and get my seizures under control. What meds are you on and what type of Epilepsy do you have?

Hi Jo Jo Yep that's exactly

Submitted by quirky on Thu, 2007-08-02 - 08:51
Hi Jo Jo Yep that's exactly what I had to do when I used to have grand mals (touch wood) thanks to topamax. I simply lie down for a while til I come around. After thrashing around, my body was never up to getting up straight away. I would be physically sore and stiff which I would feel later on after I have come around. I would feel confused after the seizure and my mobility is either non existant or partially existant depending on how bad the seizure was. Sometimes I can move my legs afterwards but I would not be able to walk around the room yet. I would still be very weak. I can never feel the right side of my arm or hand. That is always numb or as if I'm paralysed. You could lift it up for me but it would just flop right back down again as if I'm watching someone else's arm fall. I feel nothing. One time a few years ago when I had a grand mal in the office at work, I was lifted up onto my chair afterwards to sit down and relax, but I could not balance on the chair. I was still very weak. I fell over sideways towards the right of me and then over forwards. The chair came with me over my head. I need to lie down before I can physically get up and walk around. This can a few mins to half an hour. Been a while since I had a real bad one though. That's why it baffles me how you can get up so quickly after your grand mal. after all that thrashing, your muscles tighten up but obviously you dont loose you moibility in your case. I guess it just depends on the type of epilepsy you have. I haven't come across anyone yet who has the same type as me actually. I have parietal lobe epilepsy. I'm in the minority of cases of people with epilepsy to have this type apparantly. Majority as far as I know have temporal lobe epilepsy, which i thought I had, because my scar is based in the language area, but my neuro corrected me and said the language area is linked to temporal lobe and parietal lobe, and my scar is in parietal lobe. I suffer from CPS weekly now, always did. Just now without the grand mals as well. My cPS are my warnings or auras before a grand mal, but the topamax I'm taking now has helped me alot to control grand mals side of things. My seizures dont go as far as that. They start off as a warning (CPS) and in the past, it would possibly lead to a grand mal every few months, but I never knew when I would have that grand mal. Now no grand mals :-) But the CPS alone are no fun either. There is no guarantee I will never have a grand mal again just because of topamax. AND i HATE HAVE A CPS! Yesterday I had a bad day, real bad day of CPSs'. I keep a diary of how many I have each day. Yesterday, I had 15, from morning til this morning, during the night. I did not get much sleep last night. I was very tired yesterday. Went to bed early hoping to feel better today, but ended up have more CPS during the night. I take 1200mg of tegretol retard and 200mg topamax a day. I'm really hoping that some day my seizures will go away, maybe thru surgery, but there is no guarantees with that, and if not surgery, maybe something else will crop in the future for us Es :-)

Re: Hi Jo Jo Yep that's exactly

Submitted by Jo Jo on Fri, 2007-08-03 - 03:12
Hi there Quirky, I am sorry to hear about your CPS although pleased you are free of Grand Mals at the moment. I don´t ever seem to have taken a lot of medicine. Before Lamictal I was on 400g Tegretol and this seemed to control my Grand Mal better but I used to have myoclonic jerks which the Tegretol made worst. These were like my Auras and would sometimes lead to a Grand Mal sometimes not. Whenever I had the myoclonics I just use to lay down in bed, just in case! The Lamictal has got rid of the myoclonics completely but the Grand Mals are a bit more frequent now so I think I need to speak to neuro. The thing is I have never been told WHAT TYPE of epilepsy I have. After reading all the E websites, mine sounds like JME as always, always in the morning. Never had any seizure after 11am, normally within 1 to 2 hours of waking up. So I am lucky in that at least I can safely say when I get past the first 2 hours I am pretty sure I won´t have a seizure. My neuro says though that the EEG is not consistent with JME!!! So god knows! How are they supposed to give me the right meds without knowing the type of Epilepsy. I am trying to get a 2nd opinion at the moment! I have also completely stopped drinking so I can establish properly if it is the meds or my lifestyle. I don´t think I have ever had a CPS - what is that like? Do you know you have had it or is it just like a few seconds out of it? Keep well and chin up! Jo

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