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Seizures on Awakening

Tue, 07/24/2007 - 08:33
Anybody just have seizures in the mornings. The only Tonic Clonics I have had are always within 1 hour of waking up, mostly after a night out as I do like a little drink now and again. What medication is the best - I am on 300 mg of Lamictal. Anyone got any experience with this.


Re: Re: Hi Jo Jo Yep that's exactly

Submitted by quirky on Fri, 2007-08-03 - 09:01
hi Jo Unlike a simple partial seizure where one is fully conscious and aware, the complex partial seizure is the opposite. some people with cps become unconscious and others loose awareness and some people partially loose their conscious, not fully. Everyone's case is different. When I have a CPS, I get all hot first suddenly and my heart would be beating a lot faster than normal. My thinking process suddenly changes. This is hard to expalin. I can litterally feel my brain has been effected somehow. I cant thing straight anymore, not like the way I was just seconds ago. But I try to focus on something to try and keep thinking straight. doesn't work. I get all confused and sometimes my vision changes a bit. Not a lot, just to the extent that I cant focus properly anymore. My right hand feels numb and I cant funtion it anymore. If I was writing at the time, I would have to drop the pen for example. No control whatever. My arm then goes numb. I feel nothing. Anyone having a conversion with me at the time, I can usually hide my CPS by simply standing there and looking at them and nodding every so often. But by the time it's all over, and I feel fine again, I have no idea what was said to me! I loose awareness during my CPS. During my VEEG in the hospital a few months ago, when I had a few CPS, the nurse would ask me questions during the seizure and after the seizure. During my CPS, i responded slowly with difficuly. I was very confused and I did not have use of my right arm. After my CPS, I could not recall the questions asked. So yes, I do know i have had it. I can get upset sometimes after having it but usually I just keep the chin up as you say and tell myself I'll be fine. My CPS can last from a few seconds to 2 mins at a time. varies every time. I nearly chopped my finger off one time when I was chopping vegetables and I had a CPS at the time. Just not thinking straight. Easily injure oneself with CPS. So far I have been lucky! You should def find out what type of epilepsy you have. That is important for your own knowledge and receive correct treatment. Hope you find out soon.

Re: Re: Re: Hi Jo Jo Yep that's exactly

Submitted by Mary8 on Sat, 2007-08-04 - 11:53
I have been seizure free for almost 5 years now. When i do have them its early early in the morning , if i get up fast then it would hit. I've had grand mal since i was 13, i'm 48 now. i take Tegretol and that has taken care of things. Plus , i'm careful in the morning on my wake ups. When i would have a seizure, i would be so worn out, i didn't do a thing most of the day. Are you doing any sleep walking?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hi Jo Jo Yep that's exactly

Submitted by Jo Jo on Tue, 2007-08-07 - 03:58
WOW . that sounds just like myself exactly. Mine are always early and so I try to get up slowly and stay in bed for the first half hour or so just in case. I have no evidence of sleep walking but after my Grand Mal I do walk around with no knowledge at all - my husband says I just want to walk around and am quite determined about where I want to go. Once I come round from this I have no recollection. I used to take Tegretol twice a day - I think it was 1 in the morning 200mg and 1 in the evening 200mg. How much do you take? Do you have any other types of seizures? Can I ask also, do you ever take a alcoholic drink? Have you ever had seizures during other parts of the day. I am so pleased you are seizure free. I too am completely exhausted after a seizure and like you have to take the day easy and get an early night. Is there are name for this type of Epilepsy? I have heard that sleep is very important too with this. Have have you found the best way of avoiding triggers etc. As now and again you can´t help a late night and I get a really bad panic attack now and then if up past 11.30pm!!! Many thanks for replying!

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