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Seizures on Awakening

Tue, 07/24/2007 - 08:33
Anybody just have seizures in the mornings. The only Tonic Clonics I have had are always within 1 hour of waking up, mostly after a night out as I do like a little drink now and again. What medication is the best - I am on 300 mg of Lamictal. Anyone got any experience with this.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by Jo Jo on Fri, 2007-08-10 - 04:19
Hi Dave, Thanks for the info - that is fantastic you have gone without a Grand Mal for 10 years - hope I manage to get that sort of control. Have you gone back to Depakote. I only found out about JME 3 days ago as an Official Diagnosis - this was my 3rd neuro! How do you manage your social life? Do you have to got to bed at the same time every night - I just feel like people keep saying , no drink, bed at the same time every night, no sugar, no caffeine - is there anything I can do? Jo

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by dave 44 on Fri, 2007-08-10 - 12:33
Jo, Life exists without booze. You dont need it.Lots of people dont drink. Coffee doesnt seem to bother me at all. I am married so I dont have a social life.I do get lots of sleep and make sure I am in bed 8 hours before I have to get up to go to work. Forget drugs,booze ,raves or whatever. Find something you love and be somebody . You can do it! Theres lots of things you can do.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by EmHolley13 on Mon, 2007-09-17 - 12:38
Hi Jo, I have recently been diagnosed with JME and find myself relating very much to your comments. Actually, I recieved my official diagnosis (for the second time, I didn't want to believe it at first but after the grand mal seizures, undeniable myoclonic jerks, and 3 out of 3 abnormal EEG's, I had to accept it) earlier this week. I am 23 and very social as well, about to graduate college and become an ICU nurse (12 hr shifts...not much sleep). I am finding it hard not only to accept my diagnosis, but also to accept the lifestyle changes it sounds like I will be forced to make. I too enjoy a few glasses of wine, sometimes more and not just wine. All of my grand mal seizures have been after a night of drinking, with very little sleep, they are always in the morning as well. I will wake up feeling sort of out of it, I will have multiple myoclonic jerks over the span of 10 min to an hour, and then I will have a tonic-clonic grand mal seizure. I have been lucky to always have been sitting or laying down so far. From what I am told (I myself have no recollection whatsoever) the seizure lasts about 30 seconds, followed by 2 minutes of blank unresponsive staring. When I wake up, I am severely confused and need to be reoriented many times. I am then very weak and extremely nauseous for the remainder of the day - the seizures really take it out of me. But anyways, sorry for probably too much information, it just seems as if what you are experiencing is very similar to my own experiences and as I am young and have just been diagnosed, it is nice to hear from someone who is going through the same thing and might be able to relate, answer questions, or give me a little advice. I can definitely relate to the social issues being diagnosed with JME presents, that's for sure, it's going to be hard to change but it scares me not to. FYI, I am to start titrating up to a total dose of 300-400 mg of Lamictal daily. Any real life experience information or advice on that would be greatly appreciated too...... Emily

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