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Seizures on Awakening

Tue, 07/24/2007 - 08:33
Anybody just have seizures in the mornings. The only Tonic Clonics I have had are always within 1 hour of waking up, mostly after a night out as I do like a little drink now and again. What medication is the best - I am on 300 mg of Lamictal. Anyone got any experience with this.


Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by SamanthaC on Tue, 2007-08-07 - 09:11
Hello JoJo - I experience seizures in the morning right after I wake up and especially if I sit up to fast or the phone rings and it scares me. I don't drink but I am sure that could be part of it. You also are on a low dose of my medication from my experience. I take Keppra and Lamictal which somewhat controls my seizures, good luck. Hope that this helps a bit. Do you get dizzy spells for about an hour after the tonic clonic??? Again luck!!! ~*Samantha*~

Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by Jo Jo on Tue, 2007-08-07 - 10:46
Hi Samantha, Thanks for replying. I have just been to a neuro today for a 2nd opinion and he says I have JME. I used to get myoclonic jerks in the morning when I was on Tegretol and my previous neuro said that Tegretol makes myoclonic seizures worst. I have now to increase my Lamictal to 300mg (150mg x 2 per day). I do not get the dizzy spells after tonic clonic though. How many seizures do you have currently? Do you have them at any other time of the day or any other type of seizures. Mine have only ever been in the morning after waking up and once after falling asleep on the sofa. I am currently trying to ´knock the drink on the head´although find it really hard not to have a glass of wine with dinner at the weekend! Have you ever drank?

Re: Re: Re: Seizures on Awakening

Submitted by SamanthaC on Tue, 2007-08-07 - 16:14
Well I am glad you got a second opinion good call!!! I have complex partials that turn into tonic clonic seizures. They are mostly when waking up (at anytime of day) or when I sleep. I have seizures quite often. At the least 2 a week. I have drank two or three times. At my wedding then twice while out with a good friend who has experience in seizures, I have found it is not worth it for me. But I can understand why you would want to! Yummy! Anyway I hope the med increase helps. ~*Samantha*~

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