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memory loss...

Sun, 04/22/2007 - 02:18
so i know that everyone knows what im talking about if they can remember reading this :P i have a great memory unfortunately it is VERY SHORT!!! i can't remember anything. i forget a conversation while i am still having it. when im at work (and my job is to deal with the public) and i am giving directions to destinations or trying to make reservations i forget where they are wanting to go or the proper protocol for making the reservations. i also forget the simplest of words which then make me look like a fool because it looks like i don't know my job which i do. what on earth can i do to help this situation? its really quite frustrating. this is my rant... thank you for listening... or reading... or whatever.... :P


I can totally relate to your

Submitted by annalise on Sun, 2007-07-01 - 22:29
I can totally relate to your post! I will ask my daughter something and she will respond and a few minutes later I'll ask again. Apparently this will happen many times before she snaps and asks why I keep asking the same thing. I honestly have no recollection whatsoever that I've even spoken! grrrrr. When I am stressed or tired, names and word recall are a huge challenge. Also getting a thought out in a cohesive way. I know what I want to say but once I try to say it it is like the words get jammed and start mixing themselves up. Then I get nervous and feel like a fool. I hate speaking up in a meeting or a class. It is embarrassing. As far as names, I generally avoid saying them because my stomache jumps each time for fear that I am going to space out and the wrong name will come out. It gets tiring trying to cover up and avoid situations all the time. In a meeting or a class, when lots of information is flying around, I usually hit overload and suddenly it is as if everyone is speaking Chinese. I seriously can not understand what they are saying. The words, but not the message. Then I panic and get irritated....

Memory loss

Submitted by shevin on Tue, 2007-11-13 - 19:35
I'm a 47 yr old veteran epileptic(TLE) dealing with seizures of the complex partial / secondary generalized variety since '79.  Seizures are primarily nocturnal and currently controlled (i.e. 2 or 3 a year in my sleep).  Mysoline was the drug that originally controlled it and have taken it since '91.  After two "break through" seizures a couple of yrs ago while awake I started Lamictal which has worked wonderfully. 
I've raed a lot of stories here of what I believe they call "short term" memory problems some of which sound familiar.  But I have yet to hear of anyone who has "entire chapters wiped out" as I describe my problem.  An example of this loss: Shortly before those "break though" seizures, as the Dr describes Mysoline losing its effect, I drove up to MA from CT to help my sister move for the weekend.  She brings ti up over dinner and I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about. As I said this is an example I have a head full of blank tapes.  Family and friends often talk about things we did yrs ago that I don't recall. I nod along pretending the best I can that I know what theyre talking about in hopes that it will come back and of course if it doesn't I still want to hear about it.  People feel awkward talking about the past when they catch on that I'm just trying to keep them going by nodding along and with good intentions will change the subject if I let them. 
This variety of memory loss has always been characteristic of my seizures.  Years ago, before the seizures were controlled, I talked with a Dr about it.  We kind of theorized back then that the seizure wipes out a whole lto and I get about 90% back.  If there is anybody else out there dealing with this type of memory loss I'd love to hear about it.
I'm a 47 yr old veteran epileptic(TLE) dealing with seizures of the complex partial / secondary generalized variety since '79.  Seizures are primarily nocturnal and currently controlled (i.e. 2 or 3 a year in my sleep).  Mysoline was the drug that originally controlled it and have taken it since '91.  After two "break through" seizures a couple of yrs ago while awake I started Lamictal which has worked wonderfully. 
I've raed a lot of stories here of what I believe they call "short term" memory problems some of which sound familiar.  But I have yet to hear of anyone who has "entire chapters wiped out" as I describe my problem.  An example of this loss: Shortly before those "break though" seizures, as the Dr describes Mysoline losing its effect, I drove up to MA from CT to help my sister move for the weekend.  She brings ti up over dinner and I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about. As I said this is an example I have a head full of blank tapes.  Family and friends often talk about things we did yrs ago that I don't recall. I nod along pretending the best I can that I know what theyre talking about in hopes that it will come back and of course if it doesn't I still want to hear about it.  People feel awkward talking about the past when they catch on that I'm just trying to keep them going by nodding along and with good intentions will change the subject if I let them. 
This variety of memory loss has always been characteristic of my seizures.  Years ago, before the seizures were controlled, I talked with a Dr about it.  We kind of theorized back then that the seizure wipes out a whole lto and I get about 90% back.  If there is anybody else out there dealing with this type of memory loss I'd love to hear about it.

i don't remember any of my

Submitted by jacky99 on Tue, 2007-11-13 - 20:48

i don't remember any of my childhood. i start remembering it from age 10. bits and piece i'll remember from before then but they are tiny insignificant things that mean nothing (for instance i remember one christmas it snowed on chrstmas day. couldn't tell you what year though). i literally have no memory of my childhood. my parents sent me to shrinks thinking i have supressed memories or something... maybe i do... i don't know.  so i live with the memories i got.  anything i really remember i've been told anyway so its not a real memory.i don't know what its from or how to get it back but i'd sure like to know...


when life gives you lemons... smell an orange

i don't remember any of my childhood. i start remembering it from age 10. bits and piece i'll remember from before then but they are tiny insignificant things that mean nothing (for instance i remember one christmas it snowed on chrstmas day. couldn't tell you what year though). i literally have no memory of my childhood. my parents sent me to shrinks thinking i have supressed memories or something... maybe i do... i don't know.  so i live with the memories i got.  anything i really remember i've been told anyway so its not a real memory.i don't know what its from or how to get it back but i'd sure like to know...


when life gives you lemons... smell an orange

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