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I just want to give up

Tue, 01/16/2007 - 19:06
To anyone who will listen: Over the past few weeks, my wife described to me “episodes”, which she claims I was having. I of course, have no reason to doubt her, but don’t remember them. The first ones were describe as me just standing at the kitchen counter, staring off in the distance with a blank look and not responding to her questions. She stated that these “episodes” would only last for a minute or two. About two weeks ago, she told me that after I went to bed she heard a loud noise, came upstairs and found me sitting on the floor. I responded to her questions, had the same blank stare and she led me into bed. The next morning I had no memory of the incident. I must add that during all these events there was no twitching or strange movements of the eyes or other body parts. Just yesterday, I went to see a neurologist for an exam. After completing same, he scheduled me for a CAT scan and started me on Keppra. You know, just in case. Being 51 years of age and never having had anything like this happen before, I am shocked to think that I may have Epilepsy. While my state does not require the Doctor to report his findings, he has stated that he does not want me to drive. Needless to say, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I don’t know if I can handle the lost of independence, as well as the emasculating feeling of not being able to drive brings. Any advice before I do what I’ve been contemplating since this arose?


Hi Amy, I couldn't help

Submitted by mama bear on Sun, 2007-01-21 - 14:09
Hi Amy, I couldn't help responding to your chat message. I would really be interested to know how many seizures you had and how often before they stopped when you went on this healthier diet. I would also like to know if you are on vitamin B6, and what other supplements are you taking? I am having problems helping my son get his seizures under control and would like to learn more about what you are doing. Is there a nutritionist or web site that helped you get information? Please let me know how you got started. Thanks, Tresa (mama bear)

Re: Re: I just want to give up

Submitted by RobinN on Thu, 2007-03-01 - 17:14
Yea! This is exactly what my common sense tells me. If you haven't suffered a head injury, if you havent't had this since birth. There must be something else that your body had gone through to cause the brain to sizzle. I totally believe it is nutrition. My daughter too, after 14 yrs started having seizures. Now if it is her first year that she has had her period, and they happen at that time of the month, you think they might be hormonally based. I too have put her on an elimination diet. We are waiting to see the results. I just can't believe that the body all of a sudden creates this abnormality called epilepsy. In my opinion it is nutritionally starved, and the needs are so different for each. I truly believe this is the problem with many of our "diseases" in our processed, genetically altered, fast food society. Call me crazy, but it is what makes simple common sense to me. Robin

Re: I just want to give up

Submitted by wldhrt13 on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 11:38
Are you inferring that you are going to commit suicide? Sweet Jesus, that's a bad idea. Yeah, not being able to drive will suck. They told me when I was 19 that "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I didn't listen. I ended up in the Emergency Room with tubes down my throat and IV's in my arms. My mother nearly suffered a heart attack over it, and to say the least it broke her heart that her only child was that depressed. My family went through hell and back over me and my battle with anorexia nervosa. But I DID come through it stronger than I was before. And can you believe it, I am actually 30 lbs overweight now!! who'd a thunk? When I look back at that time, I can't believe how selfish I was indulging those thoughts. If I had died back then, I would have never had the most beautiful baby boy in the whole universe! Hello? I would have never been able to take my nana to chemotherapy because the rest of the family "couldn't handle it." I would have never been able to receive the University of Massachusetts "Most Inspirational Student Award-1996" because apparantly I inspired those around me with my courage to battle such a grim diagnosis. I would have missed seeing the most beautiful sunrise on sands of York Beach in Maine this fall (one of my favorite nearby places I visit). I would have never been there to save my boyfriend's life while his fever soared to 105 degrees last winter, and he began to seize..because it was me who called the ambulance that saved his life. You were put on the Earth for many things both now and in the future. People are counting on you to show up for them and be there. Please dismiss such thoughts you are having. While its normal to think things like that when facing adversity, no good will come out of them. If you are a God fearing man, channel this fear you are facing in a different way; perhaps you could say a prayer? I have already sent one your way... pamela

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