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I just want to give up

Tue, 01/16/2007 - 19:06
To anyone who will listen: Over the past few weeks, my wife described to me “episodes”, which she claims I was having. I of course, have no reason to doubt her, but don’t remember them. The first ones were describe as me just standing at the kitchen counter, staring off in the distance with a blank look and not responding to her questions. She stated that these “episodes” would only last for a minute or two. About two weeks ago, she told me that after I went to bed she heard a loud noise, came upstairs and found me sitting on the floor. I responded to her questions, had the same blank stare and she led me into bed. The next morning I had no memory of the incident. I must add that during all these events there was no twitching or strange movements of the eyes or other body parts. Just yesterday, I went to see a neurologist for an exam. After completing same, he scheduled me for a CAT scan and started me on Keppra. You know, just in case. Being 51 years of age and never having had anything like this happen before, I am shocked to think that I may have Epilepsy. While my state does not require the Doctor to report his findings, he has stated that he does not want me to drive. Needless to say, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I don’t know if I can handle the lost of independence, as well as the emasculating feeling of not being able to drive brings. Any advice before I do what I’ve been contemplating since this arose?


Re: Re: Re: Re: I just want to give up

Submitted by spiz on Sun, 2007-01-28 - 07:58
copabeat, I have now stickied 'Have a little cheese with that whine' to my fridge and the daily calendar I go by that I keep on my breakfast bar. I'm waiting to absolutely despise seeing it on my next downer but I'm the type of person that sometimes needs a 'right in my face' kick to help me fight harder to shake depression when it starts in. Thanks for posting it. Take care! -Spiz

Re: I just want to give up

Submitted by dannyboy on Sun, 2007-01-21 - 10:55
My friend. I know what you are going threw, having to loose your license due to having epilepsy. I had my license for about five years until the doctor told me not to drive anymore, because i probably would hurt myself as well as any body else. I was frustrated. Can you just imagine. Sure you can. I got my license finally at the age of 19. Had to stop at the age of 24. In between the ages i mentioned, God blessed me that I did not kill myself. But i kept on driving taking the change because I did not care, I wanted to drive, Be indepentent on my own. But that wasnt to be at the time. I am now 50 years old, no kids, no wife, and still living at home with my parents. At least you have someone around you. There is going to be a time when my parents will not be around, what will I do. Do not let a car get in the way of you living a good life even thou you have epilepsy. There are a lot of people who care about you and do not want to see you hurt yourself. Remember is can happen to any one. just take your meds, and live the best you can. I know it may hurt, but there are some things since we have epilepsy, that we cannot do anymore. It is for our good. Believe me. Another thing, i have been living with epilepsy since the age of 12 from getting hit in the head with a rock. take care.

Re: I just want to give up

Submitted by tnpeach on Sun, 2007-01-21 - 11:32
I understand. At the age of 37 (I'm 39 now) I was diagnosed with epilepsy (partial complex seizures) and was told I shouldn't drive. I had been healthy up to that point. I was shocked. I am the mom of 3 boys (2 teenagers & a preteen), work full-time, run my own business....busy, busy, busy. I was devasted. I'm very independant and having to depend on others was very depressing to me. I had a very rough time of it for a while. None of the medications they put me on worked and they made me feel horrible. But, I did a lot of research and decided that since all my tests showed I didn't have any physical abnormalities in my brain, that I would turn to nutrition and see if that was the cause. I am on a high dose of antioxidants (at least 6 servings of fruits & veggies a day) and esterified fatty acids & omega 3 fish oils (brain food). I found this in the form of an organic health drink and have been taking it for a little over a year now. I have been seizure free for a whole year. This worked for me. It certainly won't work for everyone because there are so many different causes of seizures. I just did what made sense to me and it worked. I believe God made our bodies to be able to heal themselves when given the proper fuel. A cheeseburger, although very tasty, is not proper fuel. :) Don't give up hope. Don't do anything stupid. You have too much life left and I know you want to live it to it's fullest. FIGHT IT, get MAD at it, and with your Drs. help and proper nutrition, you will get your life back! Don't give up!! {{{HUGS}}} Amy :) Amy :) "Pretend you're a star and poke a hole in someone's darkness!"

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