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Epilepsy and Memory Loss

Sun, 10/08/2006 - 19:36
I'm brand new to this forum. Looking it over, I don't see my major problem & don't have much info about it. I have lost alot of my memory & it supposedly is because of seizures. I have been on Neurontin since I had some blackouts, which I guess are called Absence Seizures. I just blank out & my eyes get glassy. I want to know if the memory loss & "feeling weird" are the result of having Epilepsy, or could they be from meds? I also take Effexor XR for depression. I tried to go off that when I thought maybe I'd been mistakenly diagosed with depression before they realized I have Epilepsy. That resulted in some very bad mental & emotional health problems. I'm taking both now, & the memory loss & (sometimes)weird feelings persist. Anyone out there know anything about these issues?


Re: Re: Re: Epilepsy and Memory Loss

Submitted by Seruzies on Sun, 2007-08-26 - 02:15
I just turned 40 and have recently noticed how bad my memory has become. My short term memory is terrible but my long term is still about the same. Many long term memories are things I would like to forget about but can't, and short term, if I need to remember more than three things at once, I have to write it down. My memory used to be as sharp as a tack.

Re: Epilepsy and Memory Loss

Submitted by mozie03 on Thu, 2012-09-13 - 19:28

Terri the same goes for me.  My LTM is limited - I am actually surprised when I can dig something up from the past. I have gotten to the point where I don't trust my memory anymore and write everything down.  I sometimes write things down more than once.  My desk is a mess at work. 

My STM is a little better but not much.  I can relate to havinf a memeory as sharp as a tack - I once felt the same way.

Terri the same goes for me.  My LTM is limited - I am actually surprised when I can dig something up from the past. I have gotten to the point where I don't trust my memory anymore and write everything down.  I sometimes write things down more than once.  My desk is a mess at work. 

My STM is a little better but not much.  I can relate to havinf a memeory as sharp as a tack - I once felt the same way.

Re: Epilepsy and Memory Loss

Submitted by 2blessed2bstressed on Fri, 2013-04-19 - 20:20
I was diagnosed with left temporal lobe seizures about a year ago. My short term memory is shot. If I have to remember more then 3 steps for anything I'm lost (EI: directions) and sometimes I can't even remember 3. I also used to be sharp as a tack, and worked in an administrative possition untill my inability to retain new information forced me to go out on disability. I was told after having indepth "nuero Psych" testing that this wasn't from my seizures, and was either from depression ( which I'm treated for) possible dementia or must likely "a potential benefit factor" in reporting memory loss to get disabillity. I felt that not only was I not given any direction, I wasn't even believed. From what I'm reading though, impaired memory seems to be a hall mark feature of left temporal lobe seizures. Has anyone else had run into similar road blocks, and what would you suggest. I have a follow up neurology appointment this Wedsday.

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