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any teens feel Out numbered

Thu, 01/25/2007 - 23:31
Hi Everyone my name is Gina. I am 17 years old and a junior in high school. I have had epilepsy since I was 8 mounths old. It has been very hard on me all these years. does anyone else feel this way? I realy wish that i could drive because all of my other friends can. This past time I went to see my doctor which was only a few weeks ago and she told me that I have tried almost all of the seizure medications that I could go on. I felt very sad when I found out like someone punched me in the stomach. I hope that I am not the only person with epilepsy who feels this way.


Re: Re: Re: I'm from Ohio, and a Junior

Submitted by G_S_M on Sat, 2007-05-05 - 15:14
Thanks girl friend

Re: I'm from Ohio, and a Junior

Submitted by dksimo on Fri, 2007-05-04 - 00:33
We live in Pennsylvania now, but I grew up in Steubenville Ohio. Small world : ) Anyway my son has absence seizure and went untreated for a long time because no one belived us about his symptoms. His seem to be more frequent though and I am fearful he will end with the tonic clonic type of seizures. Do you think this could happen, are the two types connected? God Bless you & Good luck : ) Kim

Re: any teens feel Out numbered

Submitted by Sophs64833 on Sat, 2007-03-31 - 14:54
Hi there! I'm 18 and have had seizures since I was 10. It came all of a sudden and I'm first in my whole family that has seizures. It has been very hard for me as well. I have had a hard time since middle school because you know how some students are towards things they don't understand I also struggled finding friends who would accept me for who I am and that I'm epileptic. I have a sister (that I disowned) who is my twin but doesn't have epilepsy. So, things were quite easy fr her and still kinda is. My temper went from bad to worse to terrible since I became epileptic.I wish I can drive also. My friends can drive already and all I can do is sit in the passenger seat! I've had many close calls because I've almost gotten run over by 2 cars twice and almost jumped out a three story window during a few of my seizures. I know how you feel. It can really suck. ~SOPhs

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