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Unusual complex/simple partial seizures

Mon, 03/27/2006 - 23:57
So, I've been having seizures. I don't have convulsions, but I slow down to the point where I freeze up and can't move or speak for 2-10 minutes at a time. I've had this happen 15 times in the last 7 weeks. I'm conscious and can stay sitting up. My eyes can move, but I can't move a muscle in the rest of my body. I will also often start nodding my head and biting the air. I don't try to, it just sort of happens. I've just seen a Neurologist. First, he thought they were panic attacks, but then he said they're probably Complex Partial Seizures. From what I've read, that doesn't make sense because I don't lose consciousness and it can last a lot longer than 2 minutes. I am hoping that someone on this forum will have some experience/insight/advice for me.


Re: Re: Unusual complex/simple partial seizures

Submitted by sunnflowerz on Sun, 2006-04-16 - 22:32
I cannot gain access to that site.Any other ideas?

Re: Unusual complex/simple partial seizures

Submitted by solis on Tue, 2006-03-28 - 21:46
Hi rebpow.. As one who's had simple and complex partial seizures all my life, I can promise that you won't get the same level of understanding regarding epilepsy from the average 'neurologist' (they treat all brain & spinal problems) as you will from an 'epileptologist' (= a neurologist specialized in treating the 40+ types of epilepsy). You need tests to discover your types of epilepsy which is imperative to know in order to treat the condition properly. With all due respect and wishing you the best, I highly recommend you get your GP to send you to an epileptologist as your neuro doesn't strike me as very experienced with seizures. If you would like to do some research on the most common types of E, try either of the addys below in my piece to Sweetsue. Hi Sweetsue re: I believe the lose of consciousness (which I have had on only one occasion that I know of) is rare for complex partial Sorry unawreness 'defines' complex partial and makes it different from a simple partial. Simple Partial Seizures.. The one thing they all have in common is that the person remains alert and can remember what happens Complex Partial Seizures.. These seizures usually start in a small area of the temporal lobe or frontal lobe of the brain. They quickly involve other areas of the brain that affect alertness and awareness.(= people ARE unaware in complex partials) ~sol

Sol - thank you so much for

Submitted by rebpow on Wed, 2006-03-29 - 01:14
Sol - thank you so much for your reply. I didn't know there was such a thing as an epileptologist. I am meeting my new GP this week and I will ask for a referal to one. I din't feel very confident about the visit to the Neurologist. I have had some luck with acupuncture, but I'm still having about 2 seizures a week (instead of 5) and they seem less severe. I am very weary about taking anti-seizure meds until I've exhausted my alternatives. -Reb

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