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benign rolandic epilepsy

Fri, 07/07/2006 - 11:43
My son has been diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy. He is 8 years old. He has only had seizures in his sleep and they have all been within the 1st 20 to 30 minutes of falling asleep. He has only had 6 since Dec. 2003 but within the last 2 1/2 weeks he has had 3. They are pretty scary. They only last less than a minute or so but he drools alot and is unconscious during them. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this. Also we are not on any medications right now because our doctor says this type of epilepsy is not always treated because kids usually grow out of it at adolescents.


Re: benign rolandic epilepsy

Submitted by bradser on Mon, 2006-07-17 - 10:18
hi just read your story, i to have a boy 6 years old,who also has Beneign Rolandic, he was diagnosed in february. but unlike your child my son also has simple partical epilepsy, i was also told they didnt have 2 be on meds if it was only benign, but because of his other epilepsy hes on 5mls of tegretol twice a day. he also use to drool during a seizure but would also slurr his words when talking during it, its quiet frighting!! he had a sleep deprived e.e.g. in january that is how they detected the epilepsy and his neuroligist said he was having most of them in his sleep, he will be on his meds for the next 2 years, so fingers crossed he will have grown out of it by then as i was told the meds dont cure it just keep it at bay. did you get your little boy seen by a general doctor or a neuroligst? hope things work out for you, keep us posted

Re: benign rolandic epilepsy

Submitted by bradser on Mon, 2006-07-17 - 10:19
hi just read your story, i to have a boy 6 years old,who also has Beneign Rolandic, he was diagnosed in february. but unlike your child my son also has simple partical epilepsy, i was also told they didnt have 2 be on meds if it was only benign, but because of his other epilepsy hes on 5mls of tegretol twice a day. he also use to drool during a seizure but would also slurr his words when talking during it, its quiet frighting!! he had a sleep deprived e.e.g. in january that is how they detected the epilepsy and his neuroligist said he was having most of them in his sleep, he will be on his meds for the next 2 years, so fingers crossed he will have grown out of it by then as i was told the meds dont cure it just keep it at bay. did you get your little boy seen by a general doctor or a neuroligst? hope things work out for you, keep us posted

Re: benign rolandic epilepsy

Submitted by christine2 on Mon, 2006-07-17 - 17:24
My daughter, who is 9, was just diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy as well. She had her first seizure (that I know of) in April 2006, then nothing for months, but she has had 3 seizures since July 4. Like your son, always at night within 1 hour of falling asleep, very brief, lasting less than a minute, and sometimes only seconds. We noticed the seizures because she makes a horrible choking sound during the seizure (maybe this is because of the increased saliva production), and lately she has become tonic (spine or neck arching back, or sitting up in bed). The first time I witnessed it I didn't even realize that it was a seizure; I was afraid that she was choking to death!! She is unconscious during her seizure and falls back into a (apparently) peaceful sleep immediately afterwards. Her neurologist has decided to medicate her because of the recent frequency of the seizures, even though they only occur at night and are brief. I am afraid of the seizures and afraid that they might get worse or more frequent but am also afraid of medicating her. I have also read at least one scientific article that claims that medication might not even have an effect in BRE. I am afraid of the side effects, but also don't want to have to keep her away from slumber parties and so on because I am afraid that she will have a seizure in front of her friends, which would be devastating for her. I really don't know what to do.

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