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Is anyone using LAMICTAL

Sat, 03/18/2006 - 12:45
I have just been diagnosed with epilespy. I am on my 5th week of medicine. I am on Lamictal. I have so many side effects from this stuff. It's bugging me. I'm 22 years old. Am I going to able to go back to school and finsish college? Has anyome my age had this and gone back to school and lived a regular life. I'm scared that i wont be able to.


Re: Re: Is anyone using LAMICTAL

Submitted by notagain on Sat, 2006-03-18 - 17:59
I am on Lamactal Are you on anything else besides lamactal. I have been on it since the summer

Re: Re: Is anyone using LAMICTAL

Submitted by Dorothy Showalter on Sat, 2006-03-18 - 18:09
Don't know all side effects but son told to watch for skin for a rash if it should appear he was told to stop immediately and contact his doctor rash could be beginning of something that would act as skin in burn situtation and could cause severe complications. He took it for a while and quit but has been on it for about the last 3 yrs. along uith Topomas

Re: Is anyone using LAMICTAL

Submitted by Karenina on Sun, 2006-03-19 - 17:22
Hi there - I was recently diagnosed as well, and was put on Lamictal. I'm still getting my dosage levels ironed out, but like you, experienced some bad side effects when I first started and each time I've upped my dosage. The side effects get better with time. If you have trouble with insomnia, there are options for add'l medications your dr. can prescribe you. Talk to him/her about it if that's one of your side effects. As for a regular life...I'm still able to work, hang out with friends, and pretty much do everything I used to do, I just have to be a bit more careful. Most of the changes I've had to make have actually been healthy ones (like exercising more, drinking less, etc). Hang in there!

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