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IPhone App

Sat, 03/13/2010 - 21:03
I read in a Neurology Now Journal about a seizuretracker app for IPhone. I was pretty excited. However, I searched the app store under every possible name and there is no app. Then when I was setting up my Diary on here I saw that you can also transfer it to your IPhone, but its not an app. You would have to access it through the Safari browser and view it just as if you were on the internet. That would work , but an app would be much quicker and nicer. Anyone know anything about an app?


Re: IPhone App

Submitted by scott.allerdice on Thu, 2010-12-09 - 05:41

me either, very curious to hear the updates on that.

Scott Allerdice
Software Engineer
software development

me either, very curious to hear the updates on that.

Scott Allerdice
Software Engineer
software development

Re: IPhone App

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2010-12-20 - 08:55
The app for android is out! Hope you enjoy it! Epi_help Resource Specialist

Re: IPhone App

Submitted by kdredske on Mon, 2010-04-05 - 16:51

The iPhone Application for My Epilepsy Diary is now available on the iTunes App Store. It works with the iPhone and the iPod touch.

You will have to have your diary setup here on the website for it to work, but as long as you've done the initial setup here it will work and I think you will be happy with it.

Be sure and let me know if you have any problems but I think it will make recording seizures, medicines and side effects, triggers, mood, etc much more convenient for those of you who like to use the lastest technology.

:o) Karen webmaster

The iPhone Application for My Epilepsy Diary is now available on the iTunes App Store. It works with the iPhone and the iPod touch.

You will have to have your diary setup here on the website for it to work, but as long as you've done the initial setup here it will work and I think you will be happy with it.

Be sure and let me know if you have any problems but I think it will make recording seizures, medicines and side effects, triggers, mood, etc much more convenient for those of you who like to use the lastest technology.

:o) Karen webmaster

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