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IPhone App

Sat, 03/13/2010 - 21:03
I read in a Neurology Now Journal about a seizuretracker app for IPhone. I was pretty excited. However, I searched the app store under every possible name and there is no app. Then when I was setting up my Diary on here I saw that you can also transfer it to your IPhone, but its not an app. You would have to access it through the Safari browser and view it just as if you were on the internet. That would work , but an app would be much quicker and nicer. Anyone know anything about an app?


Re: IPhone App

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2011-01-04 - 21:14
Did you try to access the diary from a gmail account or from the diary account? It seems to be working for others now. give it a try again and let us know! Epi_help Resource Specialist

Re: IPhone App

Submitted by pkstinn on Fri, 2010-03-19 - 11:40
Karen, because of my photosensitivity I'm only able to use my iPhone to access the Web. I have been using my iPhone to update my seizure diary, respond to Forums, etc. And I appreciate everything you've done to give us these tools to use! Thanks!!! When your App is released, will the graphs be visible? Or will there be a problem w/o Flashplayer? Regardless, I appreciate this awesome program. Regards...

Re: IPhone App

Submitted by kdredske on Fri, 2010-03-19 - 11:51

I can tell you that the first version of the iPhone application will not have the reports in it. Since your diary is already setup on our website you'll be good to be able to add event information and make medicine updates but reporting will only be available from the website for now.

I'm so glad to have your input so that we can use it for future versions (which I don't think will be far apart).

Currently I don't believe that you need Flash for the graphs in our reports (but I'll doublecheck on this) to be able to see them. However, I am positive that they are not optimized for mobile users either.

:o) Karen webmaster

I can tell you that the first version of the iPhone application will not have the reports in it. Since your diary is already setup on our website you'll be good to be able to add event information and make medicine updates but reporting will only be available from the website for now.

I'm so glad to have your input so that we can use it for future versions (which I don't think will be far apart).

Currently I don't believe that you need Flash for the graphs in our reports (but I'll doublecheck on this) to be able to see them. However, I am positive that they are not optimized for mobile users either.

:o) Karen webmaster

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