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IPhone App

Sat, 03/13/2010 - 21:03
I read in a Neurology Now Journal about a seizuretracker app for IPhone. I was pretty excited. However, I searched the app store under every possible name and there is no app. Then when I was setting up my Diary on here I saw that you can also transfer it to your IPhone, but its not an app. You would have to access it through the Safari browser and view it just as if you were on the internet. That would work , but an app would be much quicker and nicer. Anyone know anything about an app?


Re: IPhone App

Submitted by Mntlvjstn82 on Thu, 2011-01-13 - 17:44

I know exactly what your talking about when you say "Photosensitivity" I had to give up three phones because of the flashing before I found some old fashion phone that didn't affect me...  

Justin M.


I know exactly what your talking about when you say "Photosensitivity" I had to give up three phones because of the flashing before I found some old fashion phone that didn't affect me...  

Justin M.


Re: IPhone App

Submitted by britus on Fri, 2010-03-19 - 23:45
That sounds really cool, any chance your bring it out for android too?

Re: IPhone App

Submitted by kdredske on Mon, 2010-04-05 - 16:58

Hi britus,

At the moment we aren't planning to create an application for Android. Especially if Verizon Wireless actually comes out with the iPhone on its network in the next 6 months as is rumored. . . it wouldn't be cost effective to create an Android app without a large enough user base.

Maybe if enough users requested it we could re-evaluate this.

You should be able to use the diary via browser on Android right now -- and actually use the cellphone version which is mobile optimized and allows you to enter events.

I wish I had better news for you.

:o) Karen webmaster

Hi britus,

At the moment we aren't planning to create an application for Android. Especially if Verizon Wireless actually comes out with the iPhone on its network in the next 6 months as is rumored. . . it wouldn't be cost effective to create an Android app without a large enough user base.

Maybe if enough users requested it we could re-evaluate this.

You should be able to use the diary via browser on Android right now -- and actually use the cellphone version which is mobile optimized and allows you to enter events.

I wish I had better news for you.

:o) Karen webmaster

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