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Sun, 02/11/2007 - 18:51
my daughter is 4 she has had epilepsy for about 2 years last week she had a seizure it was only 2 1/2 min. but it was differnt than any others she normally goes stiff as a board eyes roll back in her head and she wets her pants this one her left harm drew inward and her eyes rolled back in her head but to the right and she vomited now they have her on 12 pills a day of lamictal 25mg does anyone think this is to much and what signs do i look for to see if she is going toxic she has tonic-clonic and simple partial seizures thank you and may God Blees all of you and your familys


Hi Lisa, I searched out some

Submitted by solis on Fri, 2007-03-30 - 23:35
Hi Lisa, I searched out some info for you: "If Lamictal is used as monotherapy for young adults, the starting dose is 25 mg a day, increased every two weeks by 25 mg daily as needed, usually to 100-200 mg a day. For young adults who are taking hepatic enzyme–inducing AEDs, however, Lamictal is usually started at 25 mg twice a day. Every 1-2 weeks, the amount can be increased by 50 mg per day as required (if side effects are not troublesome) to a target dose of 300-500 mg per day. The AEDs that require these higher dosages of Lamictal are: carbamazepine (Tegretol, Tegretol-XR, Carbatrol) phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek) phenobarbital) primidone (Mysoline)" ( is a site put together by physicians My next question would be to ask if you have your daughter going to a neurologist (specialises in entire brain and spine) or an epileptologist (a neurologist that sub-specializes directly in the over 40 types of epilepsy). I'd highly recommend the latter as I have been to many neurologists but it wasn't until I went to an epileptologist that I ever got controlled.

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