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I need help with this Epilepsy and agent orange

Mon, 03/13/2006 - 20:36
I am 22 and I have Epilepsy and i was wondering if anyone one could tell me if agent orange and my seizures are any ties between the two. Can someone please help me with this


Re: I need help with this Epilepsy and agent orange

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006-03-22 - 05:58
While epilepsy can have genetic links in some people, and for some types, this doesn't pertain to all forms. Many other factors can contribute to neurological problems such as seizures. To tell what caused seizures in an individual situation, people should talk to neurologist at length, and bring up any concerns re past exposure to substances of yourself and family, as well as other possible causes. Neurologist could also give guidance on how agent organge or any substance may affect nervoous system. Take care, Epi_help

Re: I need help with this Epilepsy and agent orange

Submitted by vetwife on Wed, 2006-11-01 - 19:58
My husband is a Vietnam Vet and was exposed to Agent Orange. Although he has AO related health problems, our 34 year old son has epilepsy, adult onset at age 28. The VA does not recognize anything but spina bifada as a birth defect, but admits some children have low birth weight. My son recently went to a regional specialist for his E, and a specialty MRI (that is more in depth than an MRI at an emergency room) showed that he has a small area in his brain where the cells did not completely form. He was 2 weeks early and weighed only six pounds. He is 6'0 now. I believe there is a connection. Are there others with E whose fathers served in Vietnam? If so, their Dads were almost certainly exposed to AO, and if you had low birth weight (or even normal) I say you should ask your doctor to let CDC know. They are starting a new study that will include all birth defects and also AO relationships. Susy McMahan

Re: I need help with this Epilepsy and agent orange

Submitted by jwprincess on Sun, 2008-03-16 - 22:17

My husband spent two tours in Vietnam special forces exposed to Agent Orange. He died in 2003 of cancer. He has two sons with different birth moms - both sons have uncontrollable grandmal epilepsy.

I believe the epilepsy and the cancer is a result of Agent Orange. There is no history of cancer in his family. There is no history of seizures from the paternal or maternal side of either son.

Both sons are struggling to make ends meet - unable to hold jobs, struggled with school from medication side effects and numerous seizures. Neither has been successful at getting disability. They are 22 years old and 21 years old - the VA denied any claims for survivor benefits.

My husband spent two tours in Vietnam special forces exposed to Agent Orange. He died in 2003 of cancer. He has two sons with different birth moms - both sons have uncontrollable grandmal epilepsy.

I believe the epilepsy and the cancer is a result of Agent Orange. There is no history of cancer in his family. There is no history of seizures from the paternal or maternal side of either son.

Both sons are struggling to make ends meet - unable to hold jobs, struggled with school from medication side effects and numerous seizures. Neither has been successful at getting disability. They are 22 years old and 21 years old - the VA denied any claims for survivor benefits.

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