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I feel dumb

Sat, 09/15/2007 - 22:43
Seriously, I feel stupid. I used to be a very articulate person, now I can barely say the word aloud. There's alot of words like that, even when I'm typing things get messed up. Words that sound alike, that I never had a problem distinguishing one from another before, get switched around. But my speech is by far the worst. I am finding it easier not to talk than to try and get what I'm trying to say from my brain and out through my mouth in an understandable manner. Sometimes I go to speak and everything will literally come out backwards, or the words aren't in the correct spots in the sentence, where they should be. And quite frequently I come out with the wrong words altogether, ie. I want to say front and say french instead. The first letters are right, but it's a totally wrong word. People are begining to look at me like an idiot and I don't blame them, I FEEL like an idiot. It seems like after each seizure it gets alittle bit worse. I have nightmares of being a mute vegetable by the time I'm 30. Is this normal? Is it the medication? The seizures? My brain going dead or something? I can still learn without problems, I'm in college and the classes aren't a problem, as long as I don't have to talk. What area in the brain is our speech located anyways? Anyone else dealing with this? I've read through this three times, so I'm hoping there weren't too many mistakes that I've missed, if there are I'm sorry.


Re: Re: Re: I feel dumb

Submitted by dave 44 on Sun, 2007-09-16 - 11:25
I didnt have this problem. I have 3 nephews with very similer names ( Kenny Kelson,Kasey) I never once in my entire life called one of them by the wrong name. I have Juvinile myoclonic. The meds made me tired ,stupid and sick . They also made me quiet and sullen but I did not have trouble finding words or remembering names. So like the song says "This is not the way I am"

Re: Re: Re: Re: I feel dumb

Submitted by Gina Marie on Mon, 2007-09-17 - 01:02
Dave that's good then, that you don't have to deal with this issue.

Re: Re: I feel dumb

Submitted by coopernicus on Tue, 2007-09-18 - 00:47
On the bright side.... sometimes I have moments of extreme clarity about a situation or something I am studying. I feel great inside because something makes sense and I feel so wise! This happened the other day. The dissappointing thing is that when I try to explain it to someone else, I can never put the thought into words and then I feel like a rambling fool. This happened at work today. I had a whole plan about information I would present in a meeting. I met with my mentor to go over it and felt like I was talking in half circles. Nothing. She was looking at me with a look of doubt about my abilities. I might be imagining it, but it felt that way. I was in a funk all afternoon feeling like I am never going to be articulate. I felt like quitting. I am just tired and feeling overwhelmed. I know it will pass..... Thanks for listening and sharing your difficulties. It helps to know I am not alone.

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