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How Many Drive?

Thu, 09/06/2007 - 12:38
I'm just curious how many people drive? I'm at the point where I am on medication, its been 4 months, and my doctor is okay with my driving again. I am just waiting for DMV's approval. My history is I have had (2) gran mal seizures in the past 3 1/2 years. One 3.5 years ago and one 4 months ago. I am now on Tegretol. I did not have any history of seizures prior to this (at least not known to us but the doctors suspects I might have unknowingly) and I found out it does run in the family. I am 40 years old. I am a super-busy mom. This has been so hard to deal with. I am very lucky because I have a wonderful support system to shuttle us about, but I know everyone must be getting weary although they NEVER complain to me. Public transportation in our city is not only a joke-- it is unsafe. Part of me can't wait to get my license back. The other part of me is scared to death. I have already told my support system even if DMV does give me my license back there will still be days I won't want to drive. There are days the meds really get to me. I can handle the nausea, but there are days I feel "weak". I don't want to risk driving if I don't feel 100%. I would never risk my family-- or anyone else's. How does everyone cope with this? How do you cope with the physical as well as the emotional part? Thanks for any input. ~ Believe


I've had simple partials for

Submitted by dtsecofr21 on Sun, 2007-09-09 - 17:51
I've had simple partials for 38 years and T/C's for 34. I have had my license suspended multiple times. I'm very lucky that I have advanced very disinctive warning signs. I'm a married dad and would never put my family or anyone else at risk if I didn't feel 100%. I've carpooled over the last 15 years to work, so if need be I can pull over and have my partner drive. It's devasting after I have a T/C because like everyone else, I feel so dependant on other people that always claim to happily help me, but I always wonder too. It's real tough to scramble to find other rides to work when my partner has days/weeks off (no public transport around) because I live 50 miles from my job. When I lived in California, it was an automatic 6 month suspension; I now live in Connecticut where there is no suspension and you are basically on the honor system for a "suggested" 3 months (in my case, enforced strictly by my wife). So, I always take my meds, try to avoid my T/C "triggers", and pray that I don't get any T/C auras. I'm sure your apparent good sense will tell you what to do regarding your own comfort level. Doug

Re: How Many Drive?

Submitted by Liska on Thu, 2007-09-13 - 12:07
I am very lucky the last seizure I had while awake was more then 16yrs ago. The rest, I have while asleep. I'm on Lamitical and as long as I don't miss any doses I don't have any. In the last 5 yrs I have only had 4 seizures and they were all from missed doses. So, as long as I don't fall asleep at the wheel I'm aloud to drive. But, my nero keeps a close eye on me. I have to get my blood levels checked once a month and I have to have an appointment every 3 mo. That's ok because if that's what it takes to have a normal life then that's what I'll do. However, my cousin who also has JME is not aloud to drive at all. They are having a hard time finding the right meds and dosage to control her seizures. Melissa

Re: How Many Drive?

Submitted by dtsecofr21 on Thu, 2007-09-13 - 16:47
Update on my week (for driving)... Called in sick on Monday because I felt weird like I was gonna have some bad partials or even a TC if things progressed; took 1mg of Klonopin and slept 17 hours. Tuesday, felt okay and and went to work with my car pool partner. Was my turn to drive. When I got to work, I felt really tired. As I was walking down the hall, I got really spacey and began to get out of body feelings. I could understand Chinese people saying my name. My stomach started to hurt and quickly went right to my head (not one of my TC auras). When I got to my desk, I couldn't read or comprehend anything. I couldn't type and people had problems understanding me. I began to cry hysterically for over an hour before someone called my wife and she came and picked me up. I get alot of simple partials, but this ranks as one of my worst. It's kept me home all week and I now will be doing the MRI & EEG thing again. The bottom line, is that I felt fine driving, but didn't shortly thereafter. When I began to not feel good, I told my carpool partned it was up to her to drive my car. Never put anyone at risk! Doug

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