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How Many Drive?

Thu, 09/06/2007 - 12:38
I'm just curious how many people drive? I'm at the point where I am on medication, its been 4 months, and my doctor is okay with my driving again. I am just waiting for DMV's approval. My history is I have had (2) gran mal seizures in the past 3 1/2 years. One 3.5 years ago and one 4 months ago. I am now on Tegretol. I did not have any history of seizures prior to this (at least not known to us but the doctors suspects I might have unknowingly) and I found out it does run in the family. I am 40 years old. I am a super-busy mom. This has been so hard to deal with. I am very lucky because I have a wonderful support system to shuttle us about, but I know everyone must be getting weary although they NEVER complain to me. Public transportation in our city is not only a joke-- it is unsafe. Part of me can't wait to get my license back. The other part of me is scared to death. I have already told my support system even if DMV does give me my license back there will still be days I won't want to drive. There are days the meds really get to me. I can handle the nausea, but there are days I feel "weak". I don't want to risk driving if I don't feel 100%. I would never risk my family-- or anyone else's. How does everyone cope with this? How do you cope with the physical as well as the emotional part? Thanks for any input. ~ Believe


Re: How Many Drive?

Submitted by mai on Mon, 2008-03-31 - 03:43

great blog out there

keep it up..

God bless=)



great blog out there

keep it up..

God bless=)



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