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How Many Drive?

Thu, 09/06/2007 - 12:38
I'm just curious how many people drive? I'm at the point where I am on medication, its been 4 months, and my doctor is okay with my driving again. I am just waiting for DMV's approval. My history is I have had (2) gran mal seizures in the past 3 1/2 years. One 3.5 years ago and one 4 months ago. I am now on Tegretol. I did not have any history of seizures prior to this (at least not known to us but the doctors suspects I might have unknowingly) and I found out it does run in the family. I am 40 years old. I am a super-busy mom. This has been so hard to deal with. I am very lucky because I have a wonderful support system to shuttle us about, but I know everyone must be getting weary although they NEVER complain to me. Public transportation in our city is not only a joke-- it is unsafe. Part of me can't wait to get my license back. The other part of me is scared to death. I have already told my support system even if DMV does give me my license back there will still be days I won't want to drive. There are days the meds really get to me. I can handle the nausea, but there are days I feel "weak". I don't want to risk driving if I don't feel 100%. I would never risk my family-- or anyone else's. How does everyone cope with this? How do you cope with the physical as well as the emotional part? Thanks for any input. ~ Believe


Re: How Many Drive?

Submitted by jacky99 on Fri, 2007-09-07 - 01:27
it took me 3 years of having no tc's to get my license at 16. then at 17 i had a tc. got it back when i was almost 19 and lost it again when i was 20. i don't drive anymore. public transportation when im in the city or my dad drives me to my appointments to get to the city. otherwise i hoof it. when life gives you lemons... smell an orange

Re: How Many Drive?

Submitted by quirky on Fri, 2007-09-07 - 08:39
I dont drive. I have never been able to. In my country I need to be seizure free for a year. That has never happened to me. I am 31 years old. i wish I could though. Even for emergency cases, it would be handy. Instead I depend on public transport and my bf who drives. I often think about the future though when one day I have my own kids, and I would like to be able to drive them around to places and not have to depend on my husband or anyone else all the time. it does scare me too though. My bf would like me to be behind the wheel now but knows by law i cant and it's also dangerous. We both hope that some day my seizures will either lessen or go away by surgery. I am having tests at the moment as I am a candidate for surgery so we'll see?

Re: How Many Drive?

Submitted by IBGECKO on Sat, 2007-09-08 - 01:23
I drive, and have never had my license suspended. I have Simple Partials. I had one GM, which led to my diagnosis, but all of the other seizures I have had, both before and since my diagnosis have been very mild SP's. After my GM, I didn't drive for 45 days while I waited to see what action the DMV would take. The DMV put my lisence under medical review, but I retained full driving priviledges during that time. They reviewed my medical records and I had to take the driving exam again, and then shortly thereafter I received a notice that the issue was resolved and no further action was necessary. Karen 40 years old, dx'd with simple partial seizures from scar tissue on 9/26/06. Married 16 years, mother to Connor, 12 (Asperger's, ADD, Learning Disabilities) and Raymie, 5, bossy little princess.

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