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Deja vu

Tue, 04/05/2005 - 08:00

Hi, my name is Lisa and this is my first time posting.  I am 39 years and a mother of two daughters.  About 18 months ago, I had two experiences of deja vu.  After the deju vu feeling passed, I had a strange feeling in my stomach (like being on a rollercoaster).  These deja vu experiences were about a week apart and I believe only lasted a second or two.  About two weeks after these deja vu experiences and had a "doom" feeling.  I was in the bathroom and this intense feeling of dread happenned followed by that strange feeling in my stomach.  After these incidents I feel very "foggy" and tired.  I called my family practioner and he ordered an MRI which was "normal" and showed no lesions.  He asked if I wanted to see a neurologist but I declined because I thought it would never happen again.  Well it did--last Friday I had two more episodes of Deja Vu, once when I was laying in  bed and again about an hour later.  I know they were deja vu and at the time intense, however I cannot remember what the particular dream sequence was.  I called my family practioner and he has referred me to a neurolgist that specializes in seizure disorders.  I cannot get into the neurologist until late May? Am I on the right track here?  should I request certain tests?  does an EEG only show irregularities while having a seizure?  Also, I am afraid to drive in case one of these episodes occur.  Thanks!





RE: RE: RE: Deja vu

Submitted by 38benny on Sun, 2005-04-03 - 13:33

I had it more when I was a kid but not as much anymore... THE MEDS DEFINITLY HELPED ME. I think what scared me was that I kept thinking I was crazy... that weird feeling in my gut saying this isn't right... and my mind spinning out of control. But I think it was my body's way of telling me to slow down take it easy... I played a lot of softball, volleyball that kind of thing when I was young so I think the brain needed a rest.

It's always ok to be afraid of what you don't understand. See your doctor, get plenty of rest, and I know it sounds easier than done but try to relax and not stress out. Stress causes alot of these things...

Mine did go into larger seizures but no one realized it because they were partial (staring off into space) and I know that is probably not what you wanted to hear but EVERYBODY is different... so you may react differently than I did. Again good luck. TAKE IT EASY...


I had it more when I was a kid but not as much anymore... THE MEDS DEFINITLY HELPED ME. I think what scared me was that I kept thinking I was crazy... that weird feeling in my gut saying this isn't right... and my mind spinning out of control. But I think it was my body's way of telling me to slow down take it easy... I played a lot of softball, volleyball that kind of thing when I was young so I think the brain needed a rest.

It's always ok to be afraid of what you don't understand. See your doctor, get plenty of rest, and I know it sounds easier than done but try to relax and not stress out. Stress causes alot of these things...

Mine did go into larger seizures but no one realized it because they were partial (staring off into space) and I know that is probably not what you wanted to hear but EVERYBODY is different... so you may react differently than I did. Again good luck. TAKE IT EASY...


RE: RE: RE: Deja vu

Submitted by marffin on Mon, 2005-04-04 - 09:31
Lisa,yes I still get the seizures (deja vu) and I have been on all most all the meds that are out there. Right now I'm on dilantin and keppra, but one of the wird things is that about 2 years ago I found out that I had a blood clot and they gave me blood thinners, and what do you know I started to not have seizures! When I was told to stop the blood thinner for a few days my seizures came back, when I started back on the thinners, the seizures went away and also I was feeling a lot better, meaning the meds for seizures do make you feel kinda bad. So I have to be carful about what I take for anything as it might change something! As for takeing the meds, I was told that if I don't it could get worse and I didn't want this to get any worse. There is a new durg out here and I'm going to check with my nero about it as it is supose to help our kind of seizures. It's called Lryica. I would like to get off the dilantin and the keppra as they do have some side efficts. Don't be too scared, just make sure your happy with what you dr tells you,Terry

Re: RE: Deja vu

Submitted by budy on Tue, 2007-05-08 - 00:44
dear joanne i was facinated to read your reply to Lisa. i had dajavo myself and even a feeling of dome but i never was scared. not untill i started to have seizures. i was wondering what kind of visions was you were seeing? daren

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