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To Drink or Not To Drink

Thu, 04/26/2007 - 00:25
Haha... a few days ago I went drinking. It's like so bad for my epilepsy thing. I give up. I don't care to take care of this seizure thing when I'm having a fun time. Ya, it's dangerous for me, but I don't care! Epilepsy can't stop my fun. Everyone likes having fun right? This epilepsy thing, it's not in control of my life cuz I choose things in my life for myself. I'm with friends so they'll know what to do when I have a seizure. It's not like I went drinking by myself.Anyone here objects this drinking thing? Because you can try going drinking and pretend that nothing would happen and that you don't have seizures just like me. ~Sophs


Re: To Drink or Not To Drink

Submitted by CG on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 22:11
Okay, I drank when I was younger, in my teens and early twenties. And then, I stopped because someone said alcohol was empty calories, and I was dieting. When I tried drinking later on I began to have problems, early morning seizures. So I stopped. My husband doesn't drink, and when some members of my family or in-laws have tried to give me a drink, I simply say, I have a medical condition that doesn't agree with alcohol or drugs. Some of my in-laws and husband's friends thought I was a goody two-shoes, but why should I do something that makes me ill. And, if they cannot see their way out of a smoke haze or wine bottle, that is their problem, not mine. I resent it when I smell mj on the street being smoked, it makes me sick and gives me problems. Maybe you can drink now, and do not mind the consequences, but as our bodies age, they will rebel and the problems become worse, at least they did for me, now I cannot even enjoy a sip of white wine. I have fun without drinking. There are plenty of things to do and places to go that do not require alcohol to have fun.

Re: Re: To Drink or Not To Drink

Submitted by heathersmithers on Thu, 2007-04-26 - 23:47
I chose not not drink simply because i have a hard enough time staying awake with my meds as it glass of wine and im out for the So if im out for a social time...drinking is not a good idea for me unless they have an empty bedroom.... I still go out.... they make virgen cocktails... etc... they are rather big now that designated driving is a rather big thing....

Re: To Drink or Not To Drink

Submitted by jacky99 on Fri, 2007-04-27 - 01:35
hey sophs, all i can say is that its your life but i do not recommend drinking. i had a seizure from drinking alcohol and i broke my eyesocket from it. is it really worth endangering yourself or others at the expense of "having fun"? it's your choice but i hope that you take better care of yourself. i never took care of myself for a long time and my seizures have progressed from a grand mal every once in a while to partial seizures constantly. just some food for thought...

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