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seizure surgury

Thu, 11/30/2006 - 13:38
I am going to have left temporal lobe surgury in Jan. or Feb. and they are talking about possible removal of my left hippocampus. Has anyone had this removed. If so, how are you doing, what can I expect? I have had a wada, and pet scan already. The surgery will depend on the grid test which will be next. They are to call within a couple of weeks with the scheduled date. I will take any info you can give me. Are you still on meds? are you seizure free? how long since your surgery? p.S I am also a type one diabetic, anyone been in my shoes? mulleca of Minnesota P.


Re: Re: Hi mulleca, I had a left

Submitted by Duke81 on Mon, 2006-12-04 - 17:22
Meeciamecia, I really depends on the type of seizures you have first, and where they are stemming from in your brain. If you mostly deal with simple partial or complex partial seizures, it's most likely they are originating in one of your temporal lobes. If that's the case, a temporal lobe lobectomy is promising. I had one three years ago and have been seizure free since. I'm still on meds but am considering attempting to reduce the dose I'm taking now. I definitely wouldn't go through with the surgery if they aren't 90%+ sure of where the seizures are triggering from. Often times temporal lobe epilepsy is difficult to treat with medication. Overall I would recommend surgery for TLE patients. I think the likelihood of successful seizure outcome exceeds struggling with seizures for the rest of your life. Oh, it's also very important to search around for a good neurosurgeon ahead of time. If you have any more questions, I'd love to share more of my story with you!

Re: Hi mulleca, I had a left

Submitted by mulleca on Sat, 2006-12-09 - 00:07
What kind of meds are you taking after your surgery and is it the same dose as before? I am currently on zonegran and I too have been on everything under the sun with no success. I just want my independence back and want to drive again. I just read a story under the surgery issue from a lady who is asking for help concerning her mom, will you please read it, and can you relate to any of those issues at first? The moodiness, feeling like you aren't the same person? Does your family see differences in you now that it has been almost a year? The thing for me is this, I lost my mom 7 years ago to a seizure. She had one in her sleep and suffocated in her pillow. I know this scares my husband every time he leaves for work in the morning, and I am still in bed. So, I have elected to have ltl surgery next month. But after reading this ladies concerns about her mothers surgery... I am wondering...I am 39 years old, and I don't want to miss my opportunity, and have the doctors tell me in a few years that I am now too old, or that my diabetes is now out of control. To me, I feel, now is my time to do this. But, after reading her concerns, it scares me a bit. What do ya think?? Mulleca of Minnesota

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