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seizure surgury

Thu, 11/30/2006 - 13:38
I am going to have left temporal lobe surgury in Jan. or Feb. and they are talking about possible removal of my left hippocampus. Has anyone had this removed. If so, how are you doing, what can I expect? I have had a wada, and pet scan already. The surgery will depend on the grid test which will be next. They are to call within a couple of weeks with the scheduled date. I will take any info you can give me. Are you still on meds? are you seizure free? how long since your surgery? p.S I am also a type one diabetic, anyone been in my shoes? mulleca of Minnesota P.


Re: Just one more bit of advice

Submitted by mulleca on Fri, 2006-12-08 - 23:33
Thanks for this advice, you are all awesome! I got a call the other day for an update, my doctor was in the hospital and they just wanted me to know I wasn't forgotten, and said they would be getting back to me at the beginning of this upcoming week with a surgery date, and that it is looking like the 3rd week in January. I am on a paradigm pump with the bolus wizard so I will make sure my husband learns now, how to operate it. Thanks so much, you have been so helpful. I will be in touch. mulleca

Re: Just one more bit of advice

Submitted by mulleca on Wed, 2007-01-17 - 23:09
Just wondering how you are doing since your surgery. I haven't seen any updates in awhile. I am going next week for my ltl craniotomy and appreciate your advice on the insulin pump. Hope all is well. Mulleca

Re: Just one more bit of advice

Submitted by mulleca on Wed, 2007-01-17 - 23:10
Just wondering how you are doing since your surgery. I haven't seen any updates in awhile. I am going next week for my ltl craniotomy and appreciate your advice on the insulin pump. Hope all is well. Mulleca

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