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carbatrol and menopause

Thu, 05/19/2005 - 17:27
I am a new PS sufferer of about 1 yr. I have been on carbatrol since diagnosis with fairly good control. My problem is I noticed I began to have hot flashes around the time of starting the carbatrol and my periods are lessing, thus it appears I am going or am in menopause. I am 49, the female history in the family is late 50's for menopause. Is there any research, evidence, anecdotal evidence of tegretol causing early menopuase and or seizures causing menopause? My concern of course is cancer to which I am not willing to deal with!Help!Stefany


I was told by my neurologist

Submitted by on Tue, 2016-03-22 - 23:54
I was told by my neurologist this it was indeed perimenopuse and that taking HRT was safe and that i would probably be fully menopausal around 47 years of age.

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