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A Possitive Outlook

Wed, 01/25/2006 - 13:05
I have been reading over the other threads here. There doesn't really seem to be very many people that have...I guess you would say, come to terms with their epilepsy. I have had it myself for over 13 years. I struggled for many years before I would even accept that I would probably be on meds for the rest of my life. I finally accepted it after my neuro said "You need to admit that you have a seizure disorder. You will have it the rest of your life. It isn't the type that will go away, even with medication. Figure out a way to accept it and deal with it or it will control you life." It is hard, but I eventually came to accept it. Don't get me wrong, I still do everything that I can to both control it and learn about it. One of my main problems is that I alway felt like a burden to others. Every time that I had a seizure, my first words afterwards were "I'm sorry." That is the one area that I still struggle with. It's a toughy. Has anyone else been able to come to terms and accept their disorder? Does anyone else have the problem of feeling guilty for having epilepsy? I don't mean to be offensive. I just need to hear that eventually, it gets easier.


Re: Re: Re: A Possitive Outlook

Submitted by coolcanadian on Mon, 2006-02-06 - 23:44
Good stuff spiz! I can't up and walk away from E (it would just grab me back by my a** anyway). I can't do the 'sorry' or 'pity' either. Especially knowing no matter how bad it gets, it can always get worse,eh. Keep smilin'- cc

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