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nocturnal seizures

Fri, 03/24/2006 - 14:21
Hi all I hope that you are all ok I have a question that I hope you don't mind me asking. When I have a nocturnal seizure I find that it take me 3-4 days to recover. I am physically and emotianlly exhausted. The right side of my ribs hurt and and so do the muscles in my neck and so does my back. I find that when I have a day time seizure I do not ache quite as much as I do with a nocturnal and it takes me less time to recover. I was wondering if anyone else finds that it takes them longer to recover from a nocturnal seizure then a day time one. If so could they think why this could be the case. Sorry if I am not making much sense. Thanks from Honeyber


Re: Re: nocturnal seizures

Submitted by statebene on Wed, 2006-04-05 - 16:33
I have a VNS and have complex partial seizures. I have had them for 20 some years and have had the VNS for over I year. If u want infor ,send me a email at

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