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nocturnal seizures

Fri, 03/24/2006 - 14:21
Hi all I hope that you are all ok I have a question that I hope you don't mind me asking. When I have a nocturnal seizure I find that it take me 3-4 days to recover. I am physically and emotianlly exhausted. The right side of my ribs hurt and and so do the muscles in my neck and so does my back. I find that when I have a day time seizure I do not ache quite as much as I do with a nocturnal and it takes me less time to recover. I was wondering if anyone else finds that it takes them longer to recover from a nocturnal seizure then a day time one. If so could they think why this could be the case. Sorry if I am not making much sense. Thanks from Honeyber


Re: Re: Hi Honeybear. As Epi_help

Submitted by Raid on Sat, 2006-04-01 - 05:07
Hi everyone, I was going to place a post up as well about this toppic. In the last number of years I have noticed that when I am asleep I would be having an attack. I only found this out by accident as one night I woke up and I was having an attack at the time. I have also noticed that if I didn't wake up and I woke up by my alarm clock I would absoutly exhausted now whether this is because I was having an attack while I was alseep is another thing. The nights I would have an attack while I was alseep I would go to bed resonably early. This is still a mystery to me. I have epilepsy all of my life and I don't know if there is a possibilty that I suffered this as a child or not. take care, Raid.

Re: Re: Hi Honeybear. As Epi_help

Submitted by happycat2 on Wed, 2006-04-05 - 21:40
Hi Honeybear. I read your reply, and it must have been real scary for your family to witness. I once read that sometimes people have only nocturnal seizures, and by the time they "spill over" into the day, a lot of damage can already be done. The researcher thought a thorough neuro exam was more than warranted. Seizures take many forms. Before your doctor can prescribe the right treatment, he or she must figure out which type (or types) you have. That's the purpose of all the tests discussed in the Diagnosis section—not just to tell whether you have epilepsy but also to tell what kind. Try keeping a record of them if you never video tape yourself, then talk about it with your family about what your next step should be. Hang in there. Cat. "Many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1

Re: nocturnal seizures

Submitted by dmh on Wed, 2006-04-05 - 14:30
Hi, This is my first time on the forum, but mine sound like yours. About a year ago they started becoming only nocturnal but for the past 3 months (mine seem to go along with my female cycle) they are lasting me for 6 or 7 days and I am so exhausted and cannot sleep hardly at all. They are talking about using one of those vagus nerve stimulators on me but I am very unsure about it. By the way, I am currently 44 and have been having seizures (mainly complex partial) since I was 9. I have tried about 8 or 9 different medications and have about reached my limit. Nothing seems to work.

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