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I need your help! Seizures and Driving in Michigan

Sat, 03/24/2007 - 17:20
Ok. I need some help and advice. Last week I had a seizure for the first time. I an almost 100% positive i do not have epilepsy, and that the seizure was simply a result of too much caffeine and not enough sleep. However, my doctor still says that i may not drive for 6 months, since that is what Michigan (thats where i live) law says. So basically, i am wondering if anyone knows if there is a way that i can test whether or not i have epilepsy, and if not, is there anything i can do to get my license back without having to wait 6 months??? Any help on this topic would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!!


Re: I need your help! Seizures and Driving in Michigan

Submitted by mnbadam on Tue, 2007-05-15 - 08:16
I too live in Michigan. I have had a few isolated seizures due to an inflammation of my brain. I too was unable to drive for the six months (actually about 7 1/2 since they came in a cluster and it was 6 mos from the LAST one). It is quite an adjustment to have to rely on people to get you to your MANY doctors appointments, grocery store, kids school etc. I never received any paperwork from the state. My doctor did tell me that I couldn't drive for 6 months. What I was told a friend who is an attorney is that if I drove and caused an accident, they could look in my medical records and I would be in a whole lot more trouble! Having been there (and fairly recently) it is hard to do what you should do. But the laws are there for a reason - for YOUR safety and others. How many times to watch the news to see someone with a suspended license killed someone. And every time it makes me mad that they took an innocent life because they were just thinking about themselves. Believe me, it goes by much faster than you think. Hang in there! Just be thankful it isn't a more serious health issue (like a brain tumor) - your 6 months will be over before you realize it!!

Like what everyone else is

Submitted by ltiger19 on Thu, 2007-05-17 - 09:23
Like what everyone else is saying on the top of the license application it asks if you have had a seizure in the last six months not if you have had an epileptic seizure. But oddly enough, someone I graduated high school with had a seizure while driving and he got tested and it happened to be an isolated incident and he got his license back within 3 months I think. You might need to have a doctor sign off on whatever his conclusion is and if you can get your license back sooner. But check into it. Oh yea, I forgot to tell you that I live in MI as well. The Grand Rapids area.

Re: I need your help! Seizures and Driving in Michigan

Submitted by autumn18 on Thu, 2007-05-17 - 17:42
Hey, I'm from Utah and I have had seizures since I was a nineteen month old baby. I'm in my second stage of them and I can't drive for 3 months. I have more of a privilege because my regular schedule is every 5-6 months. My doctor based it off of my seizure activity and realized that they are starting to go away once again. You can't break the law if your doctor is going by the law. But I agree if you really want to know if you really do have seizures go to a neurologist or brain doctor and have an EEG done. I have had three and they are not to bad. They have found that mine are caused from scar tissue. Have they really diagonsed you with epilepsy seizure disorder yet? What causes them to happen? I hope I helped you out some how!! If you have any personal questions then e-mail me at Just Remember that "Normal is just a setting on the washing machine, and people that have Epilepsy are far from normal!!!!!" ;

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