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How to cope when you're almost ready to quit

Fri, 08/03/2007 - 12:33
I've never been bothered by my E before but everything's starting to go downhill because of my E and I'm having difficulty coping. I'm starting to get very deppressed. Any suggestions on how to cope?


Hi Chrissy, Yes, I realize

Submitted by kathyc on Sun, 2007-08-05 - 18:57
Hi Chrissy, Yes, I realize that there are people who are able to get out and do things to keep their minds off their problems. But then there are those who are no longer able to do things that bring pleasure or distract them from their agonies of just getting from one day to the next. Sometimes when all the things that "develop us as people" are lost, ripped right away like a rug pulled out from under us, it's just real hard to feel optimistic and joyful as we face the fact that our bodies have totally betrayed us and we no longer can do anything that we did before and never will be able to do again. Rarely, except in fairy tales do any of us get "hit by a wave of happiness and joy". And if we are lucky to experience any of that, while we were developing ourselves as people, it really sucks when all that is torn from your life! So instead of preaching sweetness and light, and philosophizing tripe to people who you obviously don't know a thing about, maybe you could read what they are saying and try some compassion, understanding and just simple caring. Maybe just pull your heads out and see real life, with real people in it, that can't take on a hobby or charity work, because they can just barely make it thru one day at a time by a thread!! And that they come here for that compassion and understanding that is hard to find in the outside world from here, and don't really need your criticism and sickly sweet drivel. Kathy

Super good post Kath!

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Wed, 2007-08-08 - 17:58
Super good post Kath! Couldn't possibly have said it better and ITA! Some days I do not get out of bed all day. The depression has taken over I'm afraid. I see it in some of my friends here and it saddens me; I see myself in newcomers as well and remember how I felt my first confused days following my tonic clonic. I am fatigued now and have backed off in my responses as I don't want to be cranky and hurt someone's feelings. Since my head injury one small 'benefit' my husband has noted is I will find wierd humor in new small things, and I think 'this is good'~and I will get the giggles..your 'hit by a wave of happiness and joy' gave me the giggles...cuz I immediately thought, I feel that way with a ? complex partials...LOL. Maybe some of you too? (hoping we can all smile together for a moment) Luv ya'll...Deb

Re: How to cope when you're almost ready to quit

Submitted by jacky99 on Mon, 2007-08-06 - 01:46
hey biogal, if you ever just need to vent or talk im a good listner... and i'm pretty good at reading too :P. you can e-mail me if you want. i've hit the bottom before (for different reasons) it helped me just to have someone to vent to. my e-mail is: *it was totally innocent when i made up that addy :P

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