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How to cope when you're almost ready to quit

Fri, 08/03/2007 - 12:33
I've never been bothered by my E before but everything's starting to go downhill because of my E and I'm having difficulty coping. I'm starting to get very deppressed. Any suggestions on how to cope?


BANFFGIRL...first let me

Submitted by support_caregivers2 on Sun, 2007-08-05 - 18:41
BANFFGIRL...first let me send you a HUGE HUG...cuz OBVIOUSLY you could use one. Second of all, you need acknowledgement of how bad your are feeling and not people telling you to ignore the feeling and move on. If there is ONE THING I CANT STAND is when Im feeling my WORST and someone has to say "oh well find something to get your mind off of it..." like you havent tried that already. I also cant stand when people say "well, it could be worse..." if WE ARE ALL STUPID AND DONT REALIZE THAT but theres times that you cant find comfort in that, I know lately I have been going thru that personally. Sometimes when we are feeling our worst, we just need love, support and understanding and just plane friendship and kindness....not people UNDERMINING HOW WE FEEL like some people seem to do in As for me, email me me ANYTIME you need a friend or just an ear or need to vent.There are judgemental people on this site and you need to ignore them. Sending you HUGS and letting you knwo that I care about you, hang in there and please if you need support then feel free to contact me ok? >> My hubby is going thru alot right now with his seizures too and he has really tough days he cant cope. Lately Hubby and I are having a tough time coping with his seizures. Some days better then others.....When it rains lately in our household it pours and theres alot more going on here then just his seizures so believe me, I can relate to wanting to throw in the towel at times...wondering alot of times WHY and WHEN will it ever stop. SO....MY ADVICE TO YOU SWEETY...dont respond to ignorance here because it will just upset you. Email me ANYTIME. Ill listen open eared adn I will do my best to help you and be a friend. Sorry you are dealing with so much....I hope you can find relief soon. Try not to give up.., just know that there are "strangers" here willing to help and be a friend like me. OH AND BY THE WAY>>>ITS NOT THAT WE AS HUMANS ARE SITTING AROUND AND FEELING SORRY FOR OURSELVES...sometimes things get so rough it gets hard to deal with it and you just need comfort...again, I am feleing this myself. We are human...humans can just take SO MUCH before it beats you down where its hard to stand up. Its NORMAL , its ok, and well I was told by Hubbys Neuro this is all part of dealing with the Epilepsy. OH and PUTTING THE FAKE HAPPY FACE ON...well I know all about that. Everyone thinks your ok because you try your best to hide it but when you fall apart because the pressure of hiding it gets so overwhelming, then people are cruel enough to call you a failure, a loser or "oh geez your feeeling sorry for yourself..." so starts the viscious cycle of guilt and trying to hide it all over again. NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO LIVE THAT WAY and THIS WEBSITE was suppose to be designed for PEOPLE TO COME, VENT, FIND SUPPORT and NOT for judging and pointing fingers. Sorry you are dealing with that Banffgirl. NO ONE deserves THAT. But I too ahve been victom of that so I understand your frustration. -Diane

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to cope when you're almost ready

Submitted by kathyc on Sun, 2007-08-05 - 19:16
Banff- I know where you are coming from, at 51 I too am unable to live the life i did just a short 4 years ago. I don't have epilepsy, my husband does and that is why I came to this site, for information. But I have stayed because I have found support and friends who care, don't critize and don't judge. I don't like to see your feelings pushed aside as nothing. They are something, and you are someone with valid feelings and frustrations and no one should belittle this. Anytime you are in need of conversation, venting, crying, a cyber hug-you just look me up. Kathy

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How to cope when you're almost ready

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Wed, 2007-08-08 - 18:11
(((SYLVIA))) Hey. There's no losers living under your roof girlfriend. I know the state you're living doesn't keep losers, remember? Whoever criticizes you isn't worth your energy sweetie. Period. Unless they are your doctor and NEED to know how bad you feel, don't waste your time/energy on them now. Its too precious I've been so fatigued lately. I know you can relate! and I felt really really down after my first psych visit...I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings. You are a very special friend to me. You let me know how your head shrinking goes too, OK? We will keep each other smiling and crack jokes for each other, cry in emails when we need to Ok girl? I luv ya! and we ARE gonna have lunch next time I get to your neighborhood!! Deb

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