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Everyone needs to laugh every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tue, 06/13/2006 - 17:34
I know how much we get down in the dumps from having to live with our problems of seizures. We are crying much more these days then we ever laugh. Well, I would like to see if I could change that for you. I think we all need to learn how to laugh every day and begin to turn our frowns to upright smiles. Who knows, maybe by us smiling we can make someone else smile. It just might become contagious. I am hoping we will have at least one new joke per day, but will take more if you have them. Lets get started laughing. Lets not ever stop having a reason to smile. Here goes, I will start: Have any of you ever had the feeling you would like to get undressed and run around your home in the nude??? Well, if you ever do have a feeling like that then just try drinking some Windex. You ask me why???? (IT WILL KEEP YOU FROM STREAKING) Have a great evening and keep smiling. Hugzzzzzzzzzz Cathy


Re: Re: Everyone needs to laugh every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Javajunkie28 on Sat, 2006-06-24 - 12:17
Tlhat is hilarious! Please keep sending these jokes. It brightens my day and gives me other things to think about. Smiles, Darrel

Re: Everyone needs to laugh every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Jerrys blog on Mon, 2006-06-19 - 01:43
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender looks up and says hay why the long face?

Re: Re: Everyone needs to laugh every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Cathy_C on Mon, 2006-06-19 - 17:49
A group of over sized ladies decided to join Weight Watchers to shed some weight. After a number of meetings most of them were losing at a fairly good rate. There was this one lady who wasn't losing the weight she should have been if she was keeping on program. People just guessed that she was eating stuff she really shouldn't be. She stepped on the scale and had gained some weight instead of losing it. He Weight Watchers leader told her that she didn't under stand why she wasn't losing if in reality she was going by the program. The older lady got rather upset at the leader and went on to tell her why she wasn't losing any weight or better yet why she was gaining some. She told her: we all get heavier when we get older, because there is a lot more information in our heads. So I am not FAT, I am just overly intelligent and my head couldn't hold anymore so it started filling up the rest of me. And "That's my story and I am sticking to it" I should have told my Weight Watchers leader that tonight when I had gone up a pound. But going up 1 pound isn't too bad when I have lost 72 pounds :) Have a great evening, Cathy

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