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Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: what does it feel like?

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 13:00

Hi Everyone!

This is my first time on this site and I am glad to have found you all!  I was "diagnosed" with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 18mths ago following years of strange symptoms, 3 abnormal EEG's and an MRI which showed a leision in the Lt T Lobe.  I was supposed to take Lamictal but so far am too scared to.  I have different symptoms including, fear, shivering, dizziness, visual disturbances, etc.

My neurologist now thinks because my symptoms have changed i.e. shivering and some twitching of limbs occasionally, and a weird feeling that my stomach is rising into my throat and choking me ( at night) that I should have a Video EEG to clarify things.  I really don't want to take Meds until they are SURE that the diagnosis is correct because I react badly to meds. 

I would be really grateful if anyone could shed any light on what TLE is like for them and also if you have had the Video EEG what it's like.




Re: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: what does it feel like?

Submitted by nd2sng on Sat, 2010-07-31 - 23:03


I know you have tons of people telling you what it feels like to have TLE, but I thought I would share my experience anyway. I was diagnosed with TLE in January after a Tonic-clonic seizure while pregnant. The EEG and showed abnormalities consistent with TLE. Since that seizure, my seizure activity has been higher. After learning about TLE, I recognize that I have been having symptoms since I was a teen. 

I experience simple and complex partial seizures. It is possible that I am experiencing larger ones during my sleep, but that is whole other issue right now. My seizures start with an aura that affects my hearing. Suddenly I cannot hear out of one of my ears as though i stood in front of a loud speaker for 2 hours, then it turns to a ringing that is just a single tone. Sometimes it ends there with maybe a little dizziness. Sometimes it develops into something bigger. I am filled with a sense of dread and then I feel like I am being pulled into myself, at which point I feel nauseated and cold sweats. Then i enter a waking dream. The contents of the dreams are rarely anything I remember except for about 15 min to an hour after the seizure. During the dream, i know I am not asleep, and I can feel myself sitting or whatever, but I cannot tell what is real or what is the dream. Sometimes I will respond to a question in the dream... out loud. That is the weird part, cause no one knows what I am talking about, or even saying. When I come out of it, I am confused and have weird flashbacks to the dream. I am never able to discern even afterwards what was real and what wasn't.  I am exhausted and my head often hurts. I have always experienced simple partial seizures as an aura before a migraine, I just didn't know it wasn't true migraine aura.

I am still working with my neurologist to find a regime of medications that will control my seizures without rendering me unable to function. I wish you luck in your endeavors. Hang in there and don't give up. Even though its tough, life is always worth experiencing so don't let yourself miss out on it. :)


I know you have tons of people telling you what it feels like to have TLE, but I thought I would share my experience anyway. I was diagnosed with TLE in January after a Tonic-clonic seizure while pregnant. The EEG and showed abnormalities consistent with TLE. Since that seizure, my seizure activity has been higher. After learning about TLE, I recognize that I have been having symptoms since I was a teen. 

I experience simple and complex partial seizures. It is possible that I am experiencing larger ones during my sleep, but that is whole other issue right now. My seizures start with an aura that affects my hearing. Suddenly I cannot hear out of one of my ears as though i stood in front of a loud speaker for 2 hours, then it turns to a ringing that is just a single tone. Sometimes it ends there with maybe a little dizziness. Sometimes it develops into something bigger. I am filled with a sense of dread and then I feel like I am being pulled into myself, at which point I feel nauseated and cold sweats. Then i enter a waking dream. The contents of the dreams are rarely anything I remember except for about 15 min to an hour after the seizure. During the dream, i know I am not asleep, and I can feel myself sitting or whatever, but I cannot tell what is real or what is the dream. Sometimes I will respond to a question in the dream... out loud. That is the weird part, cause no one knows what I am talking about, or even saying. When I come out of it, I am confused and have weird flashbacks to the dream. I am never able to discern even afterwards what was real and what wasn't.  I am exhausted and my head often hurts. I have always experienced simple partial seizures as an aura before a migraine, I just didn't know it wasn't true migraine aura.

I am still working with my neurologist to find a regime of medications that will control my seizures without rendering me unable to function. I wish you luck in your endeavors. Hang in there and don't give up. Even though its tough, life is always worth experiencing so don't let yourself miss out on it. :)

Re: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: what does it feel like?

Submitted by laurapryor44 on Thu, 2010-09-09 - 16:05
interesting information.  can you contact me at laurapryor44

Re: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: what does it feel like?

Submitted by Veete on Sun, 2010-09-26 - 14:20

I have right temporal lobe epilepsy.  I get auras (deja vu, feeling of doom as if I am going to die).  I do not get any of the automatic gestures (lip smaking, twitching) and during my seizures I can talk and walk.  I just have no idea what is going on.  I generally ask the same questions over and over.  But I have had seizures where the person I was with had no idea that I was having a seizure until I told them.  If I am with someone I do not know well, I never tell them.  I just go to a phone and call my husband and tell him.  In fact one of the hallmarks of my seizures is me calling my husband over and over to tell him that I feel funny.  I have come out of a seizure to see a note taped to the phone telling me that I am having a seizure and to stop calling my spouse.  (He told me that the note did no good, I still called him.)

My knowledge of my seizures comes from the observations of my family.  I only remember the aura and coming out of the seizure.  They tell me that my voice sounds different as if I were asleep.  And I lose things in short term memory.  I forget to go to appointments, peoples names, movies I have seen.  It is all very weird and I would not think I was having seizures except they caught one on an eeg.  I tend to have them only if I miss my medicine or if I do not get enough sleep (meaning if I lose a lot of sleep as in staying up all night or working over night or if I have several days of only a few hours sleep.  missing an hour here or there does not affect me.)

I have right temporal lobe epilepsy.  I get auras (deja vu, feeling of doom as if I am going to die).  I do not get any of the automatic gestures (lip smaking, twitching) and during my seizures I can talk and walk.  I just have no idea what is going on.  I generally ask the same questions over and over.  But I have had seizures where the person I was with had no idea that I was having a seizure until I told them.  If I am with someone I do not know well, I never tell them.  I just go to a phone and call my husband and tell him.  In fact one of the hallmarks of my seizures is me calling my husband over and over to tell him that I feel funny.  I have come out of a seizure to see a note taped to the phone telling me that I am having a seizure and to stop calling my spouse.  (He told me that the note did no good, I still called him.)

My knowledge of my seizures comes from the observations of my family.  I only remember the aura and coming out of the seizure.  They tell me that my voice sounds different as if I were asleep.  And I lose things in short term memory.  I forget to go to appointments, peoples names, movies I have seen.  It is all very weird and I would not think I was having seizures except they caught one on an eeg.  I tend to have them only if I miss my medicine or if I do not get enough sleep (meaning if I lose a lot of sleep as in staying up all night or working over night or if I have several days of only a few hours sleep.  missing an hour here or there does not affect me.)

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