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Sleep Apnea causing epilepsy?!

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 23:40
Hello everyone, I hope everybody had a great christmas/new year! I had a question about Sleep Apnea causing epi. on the day after christmas I had another tonic clonic which was so violent that I dislocated my right arm, anyway, when I went to see my GP about it all, he suggested I go to a sleep clinic to see if I have Sleep Apnea. I know that lack of sleep can trig sometimes, but my doc seems to believe that my epi could be caused by Sleep Apnea. Has anyone else heard of this? I've always had trouble sleeping, since infency, but I never thought much of it, and now they tell me that I have an abnormally narrow airway, which probably means Sleep Apnea, which might have caused my epi!!!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything about this please give me more info, it would be much appriciated!


Good morning all! Thank you

Submitted by ShepDawg on Sun, 2018-12-02 - 11:56
Good morning all! Thank you for the information here.  I have had a few sleep apnea episodes and my wife bought some "Breathe Right" nose strips to open my nasal airway. I used one last night and got phenomenal sleep. 

I was diagnosed with sleep

Submitted by Char jaquet on Tue, 2018-04-03 - 02:10
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in May 18th 2017 I was wondering if you have sleep apnea if you could have some kind of a seizure with it because I've been waking up very confused not knowing where I'm at headaches dizziness and just very confused

Hiya all. I was diagnosed

Submitted by Shorty1905 on Sat, 2017-07-29 - 16:54
Hiya all. I was diagnosed with  obstructive sleep Apnoea 4 and half years ago, they even took my driving licence off me, I've had a cpap machine which made me worse ,  a nasal operation and a gum sheild. None of these have worked. The doctors next plan is to cut the back of my tougue off and bring my top and bottom jaw forward, which I'm not happy with.  The problem is that I've just got home from hospital today after a seizure or a fit. Doctors don't know why. Any advice. Cheers 

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