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Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Sat, 03/31/2007 - 19:31
Is dating that "perfect someone" hard for you because you have Epilepsy and they don't. Have you ever been in these shoes? What have you done? Do you keep it a secret til they find out from the "Grapevine" or do you come out and tell them? As for me I come right out and tell them. I wait for the right time but I do tell them. Sometimes the right time for me was when he came crossed my "MIAB(medical identification alert bracelet)" or if he asked me a question that is this type.... Is there any "secret" I need to know about you? Or a similar question. Up until I last year (17 yrs old) It was the hardest subject for me to talk about. Now since doing a FFCLA project on Epilepsy Awareness I feel much better and can/will talk about it. What are some other ways you deal with "hiding" or having an "Open discussion" about epilepsy with your date? How do you cope with taking you meds in front of them or do you wait til they leave? Finally what are some "Activities" you are limited from because of Epilepsy? Don't get down on yourself because you have Epilepsy. Look at the things it kind of "Shelters" you from trying or doing. I have lived with it since I was a 19 month old baby. I'm now 18 and I tell myself everyday that "I'm SPECIAL in my own eyes and ways!" As you can see I don't let this limit me at all. Thanks for answering my questions and taking time to look this over.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Submitted by kjcanada1979 on Wed, 2007-11-07 - 00:20
Kelly J. Canada Im sorry, but I beg to differ on your little quote! I lead a pretty normal life aside from my Epilepsy. I have a great husband, 4 beautiful children, a nice house and more! You on the other hand may consider yourself not normal. But its all in the way you live your life. If you let your E control you, then yes, you will think your less than normal!

Re: Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Submitted by sferraro on Wed, 2007-11-07 - 06:20
Hi, I'm Shelitha, I'm a freshman at UTK. I've been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half now, but when I first started dating him I was so freaked to tell him I had epilepsy. I thought I would scare him away. I still decided to tell him though and I was surprised to find out that his little brother had it too. He's totally cool with it and with everything I went through in my senior year, it was nice to have someone so close to me to understand. Plus, it's much safer if your friends/boyfriends/girlfriends know, because if you have a seizure, they will be able to help you and boy have I run into that situation many times! It makes me laugh a little now, but then it was so not funny. I even had one at dinner on my anniversary... I know right. lol

Re: Re: Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Submitted by autumn18 on Thu, 2007-11-08 - 16:07
I agree that letting ppl know that you have E is not to easy. I had a wonderful guy that totally understood and he was very helpful. He read up on somethings that I might be limited so that when he said what we were going to do I would not have to say "sorry I dont think I should do that." I have not had one in front of him and have not had for 4 yrs. I have not seen him for 2 full years and will see him in January. I am excited to see him and cant wait to see him. It is hard when ppl are scared of you becuz you have E. It is wonderful when ppl totally understand and want to learn more about it so that they can help you whenever they can. I hope I helped you out some how!! autumn Just Remember that "Normal is just a setting on the washing machine, and people that have Epilepsy are far from normal!!!!!"

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