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Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Sat, 03/31/2007 - 19:31
Is dating that "perfect someone" hard for you because you have Epilepsy and they don't. Have you ever been in these shoes? What have you done? Do you keep it a secret til they find out from the "Grapevine" or do you come out and tell them? As for me I come right out and tell them. I wait for the right time but I do tell them. Sometimes the right time for me was when he came crossed my "MIAB(medical identification alert bracelet)" or if he asked me a question that is this type.... Is there any "secret" I need to know about you? Or a similar question. Up until I last year (17 yrs old) It was the hardest subject for me to talk about. Now since doing a FFCLA project on Epilepsy Awareness I feel much better and can/will talk about it. What are some other ways you deal with "hiding" or having an "Open discussion" about epilepsy with your date? How do you cope with taking you meds in front of them or do you wait til they leave? Finally what are some "Activities" you are limited from because of Epilepsy? Don't get down on yourself because you have Epilepsy. Look at the things it kind of "Shelters" you from trying or doing. I have lived with it since I was a 19 month old baby. I'm now 18 and I tell myself everyday that "I'm SPECIAL in my own eyes and ways!" As you can see I don't let this limit me at all. Thanks for answering my questions and taking time to look this over.


Re: Re: Re: Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Submitted by autumn18 on Wed, 2007-05-16 - 23:12
Well do you wear a medical bracelet? If you do and haven't showed him yet wear one time when you are together. See if he notices that and then let him ask the questions and you answer them truthfully. Tell him you were nervous what he would say if you told him sonner and you thought you would have ran him off. IF HE TRUELY LOVES YOU HE WON'T CARE ABOUT THE OOPS MISTAKE ABOUT NOT TELLING HIM!! IF YOU TRUELY LOVE HIM YOU WILL TELL HIM SOON. I have a medical bracelet that I wear every day. When I was dating my steady boyfriend two years ago I wore it everytime I was with him. He really never notice it until he grabbed my right arm. He then popped about five questions about this bracelet. He asked me these questions: What is this for?, What is epilepsy?, What do I do if you happen to have one while I'm with you?, How long have you had to deal with this?, and what causes them? If you can answer those five basic questions I think you can answer any off the wall question he throws at you. So just COWGIRL UP and tell him in a way that is comfortable to you. Any other questions on my relationship with this guy or any other relationship I have had I will tell you on here or if it is a personal question then e-mail me at I hope I helped least somewhat!! Just Remember that "Normal is just a setting on the washing machine, and people that have Epilepsy are far from normal!!!!!" (; Autumn ;)

Re: Re: Re: Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Submitted by dreamer on Fri, 2007-11-02 - 01:36
Moongirl- I understand your hesitation in not wanting to tell your boyfriend. I was so scared to tell my boyfriend that I have epilepsy before I did it, but after I did he just wanted to understand it better. It has made us closer by me not having to hold in that secret anymore. He saw me have a grandmal about 5 months ago. It frigtened him but he stuck by me, and I think he would have been more hurt if I hadn't told him about it and he later found out at the hospital. If your boyfriend is truly worth it, if he truly loves you, he will stick by you. Explain to him how you were scared to tell him the truth for fear of how he would react. I understand why you have not wanted to tell him as many people have reacted negatily toward me when I have told them of my epilepsy, but if he's worth it he will understand.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Daitng w/ Epilepsy?

Submitted by autumn18 on Sun, 2007-11-04 - 01:45
Hey thx for your help and ideas on how you told your date. The boy I really like right now is on an LDS mission in Nauvoo Illnois. He gets home in 9 wks. Before he went we dated for 5 months. We are planning to redate and see what happens. We both have strong feelings about each other and cant wait to see each other again. It was actually really easy with him to tell him because he understood what it was and asked very few questions, and did not act to afraid. If he ever thought of a ? when we would talk he would ask. He is a very nice, considerate guy. We live 1 hour apart (well when he gets back home in 9 wks). I hope I helped you out some how!! If you have any personal questions then e-mail me at Just Remember that "Normal is just a setting on the washing machine, and people that have Epilepsy are far from normal!!!!!"

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