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Weird incident the other night.

Thu, 07/05/2007 - 10:32
My son was out side and I went to get him to come in after being out side for 15 minutes on his bike. The neuro said it was okay as long as he wore a helmet and wasn't in traffic areas. Where we live is a very desolate area. Anyway, my son comes down to me and starts complaining about his friend going all the way out to McDonald's on such and such a road. I asked him what the problem was about that, and he said why did he have to go so far away. It seems, my son couldn't remember where the road was. The road is actually about 2 minutes away by car, and it is the only road we have to take to go any where around here. He looked so confused. And then afterwards when he came inside and played a game of Life with me, he seemed to be having a hard time concentrating on the game. Was this what they call an absence seizure? I am so new to this, and in fact don't even know what is going on. My son hasn't even been diagnosed with Epilepsy yet. Yes he had a major grand mal seizure on May 30, and has been to the neuro and had some minor things checked out. he goes for a sleep deprived EEG on July 31. Thanks for listening.


Re: Re: Re: I'm so sorry for what you

Submitted by itsmyeviltwin on Thu, 2007-07-05 - 19:02
I wasn't started on my meds either til my EEG was shown to be abnormal Good luck to your son and to you. Hope all goes well.

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