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Mon, 03/05/2007 - 20:57
I have a soon to be 9 year old who has had seizures since she was an infant. I have always been very neurotic when it comes to swimming. When she was really little we went to the pool a little bit and more often than not she had a seizure. As our family grew, I just avoided going to the pool. Finally, a year and a half ago, they all started to express interest in the pool and so I nervously started them in private lessons - where my daughter would have the attention that she needed. Last summer especially, we had quite a few trips to the pool and I was just getting a little bit more comfortable Until Dec. she was only having a seizure once every 4-6weeks - which was very manageable. In Dec. (during a med change) she started having 2-3 grandmals a week. Now, I am already dreading the pool this summer. Since I've already made a short story long - I really just wanted to know how other parents with more than 1 child (we have 4) manage the pool. THANKS!


Re: Re: Swimming

Submitted by spiritfild on Sun, 2007-04-08 - 11:33
I think as long as you or someone else constantly watches them in the pool you should be stepdaughter drowned in the bathtub, so it doesn't take much....

Re: Re: Re: Swimming

Submitted by Kim F. on Fri, 2007-04-20 - 10:11
Thanks for your input. I'm sorry to hear about your step daughter. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been. Thanks for taking the time to write.

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