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Slowing in EEG's

Wed, 08/08/2007 - 16:45
Has anyone's child had an EEG that showed "slowing" that was do to equipment or positioning of the child? I am getting mixed information. I was told that slowing was most likely due to positioning, but that they wanted to an MRI to be sure. Then I was told that the slowing was due to either a recent seizure and her brain was recovering in that area or that we would find something structural on the MRI. Our pediatrician just got the report and felt that a 24 hour EEG should be done, but said that the EEG results she got were all read as normal. The neuro. when I took Hailey off of the Zonegran, due to odd behavior, said that if the MRI and EKG next week were normal that she didn't need to see us in the office unless she had another episode or if I wanted to put her on the medication again. She also at that time prescribed Diastat for us to have on end at home. I am so confused. Jessica


Re: Re: Re: Re: Slowing in EEG's

Submitted by Hope2007 on Wed, 2007-08-08 - 21:32
Thank you, and I do understand that low blood sugar alone could have caused the seizures. The unanswered question is why she got such low blood sugar after eating, drinking and sleeping normally three days after having the flu for all of one day. (and has not had any issues prior of following with it) After three days in the hospital no one had answers. She did not have a fever. I checked it myself and it was checked by the paramedics and ER no fever what so ever. I understand that no one on the board can give me an answer and that the doctors are who I need to speak with. However, they are giving me VERY mixed information. One doc. has told me two very different things. My original question, which I know gets lost in the rest of the story is....has anyone had an EEG that showed slowing that was due to positioning or equipment versus it being structural or recovery from a seizure? Thank you all. Jessica

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Slowing in EEG's

Submitted by kaitlynsmom on Thu, 2007-08-09 - 01:39
Jessica, I have never heard of that before but it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. I think that this is a great place to talk to others about it all. I surely didn't take what you were asking as if you were wanting medical advice or thinking that we knew Hailey's medical history. Anyway, I think if you are having alot of doubt in what the doctor is saying to you.. maybe give her a call back and ask her to clairfy what it is that was shown on the EEG and ask her to explain it to you again. From what I have experienced with Kaitlyn, the short 30 minute EEG didn't show anything but the 24 hr EEG showed something completely different. There was also a difference in how they did it too. The leads were put on slightly different and the doctor who read it deals primarly with Epilepsy and also did an extra 2 years in his residencey reading EEG's. Is the doctor that you are dealing with a specialist in seizure disorders or just a pediatric neurologist? I have found in the time dealing with neuro's that, that seems to make a difference in the type of care. Just my personal opinion. Hope all is well and that Hailey is sleeping well through the cold. Kaitlyn just fell asleep at 12:30 am and it was a fight the whole way down.... ahh.... Take care! Emily

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