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New to this site

Tue, 04/10/2007 - 10:33
Hi my name is Kerri and my 10 month old daughter was diagnosed with complex partial seizures in the front right lobe when she was just 6 months old. I am just wondering if anyone else has a baby this young with epilepsy. I have 2 older children that do not have this, so i am very new to it and I am still learning. She is not controlled yet and is on Phenobarbital and Trileptal. She also rarely sleeps. not sure what else is next for her but it would be nice to talk to someone else who either has a child or had a child who is now older. Anyway thank you for listening.


Re: Re: Re: New to this site

Submitted by bradysmom07 on Sat, 2007-04-14 - 15:38
Krissy, Thanks for the comments. It is so comforting to know that there are other moms in similiar situations that can relate. I chose not to send my 4 year old to preschool this year because I have to be so careful about my son around germs. I know I made the right decision, We do school at home and she's in gymnastics and dance. How is Keppra working for your daughter, any side effects? I know my son has more aggression on it and he's always hungry(this could just be because he's growing).

Re: Re: Re: Re: New to this site

Submitted by krissy parra on Sat, 2007-04-14 - 19:53
bradysmom, when rose first started on keppra she was so fussy if anything didn't go right she would cry but after about a month this went away she has had her dose increased a couple times with no noticable side affects she takes 2 cc in the am and 3 cc before bed. Rose and my other daughter Lilly both have a runny nose that started today I just hope we can make it throgh this cold without a seizure. Lilly will be stopping preschool this month but will start kindergarten in the fall. Rose had an MRI yesterday so we are waiting for those results (she had a partial removal of a brain tumor in nov hoping it hasn't grown back) I will update everyone when I know the results.

Re: Re: New to this site

Submitted by tink01223 on Fri, 2007-04-13 - 20:56
anfortunatley, my daughter has break throughs all the time as they have not been able to get her controlled yet. She is on Phenobarbital and Trileptal and when she has break throughs she take cloenazepam. They are trying to get her controlled as quick as they can but it seems to take a long time. My 9 year old just had an MRI on Monday because he has frequent headaches and of course my pediatrician wants to be very very careful so they are checking him for seizures as well. i think it is just his sinuses but I would rather be safe than sorry. My daughter goes to one of the best pediatric neuro's in the Orlando area. he is associated with Arnold Palmer Hospital here in Orlando where we live. Kerri Drake, mom of Ava-Marie, 10 months.

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