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Need Advice

Mon, 10/30/2006 - 18:40
My dd is 7 years old. She has been having Absense seizures for the past 14 months. She has been on Zarontin and Lamictal and neither of them are working. She is taking 200 mg twice a day and is still having between 40-50 a day (including the small 1-2 second ones) Doctor wants to put her on Depakote or Zonegran (which is new). I have choosen to put her on Zonegran because I am very leary of the Depakote. Can anyone tell me what reactions there children have had on Depakote. Also, has anyone tried any natural remedies instead of the medication and has it helped. I am new to this board and will take any information that you are willing to give to me. I am starting to get frustrated since I thought that it would be controlled by now.


Re: Re: Need Advice

Submitted by banditte1 on Sun, 2006-11-12 - 23:13

Re: Need Advice

Submitted by angelbaby on Thu, 2006-11-16 - 14:43
Hi My daughter has been on Depakote (valporic acid) now up to 12 mls daily. She has had alot less seizures (that I can tell) because absense are hard to see espeically the short 1 or 2 second types. The only thing I will be mentioning to my nero surg is that she is more anxious and nervous about death and getting hurt. I think it may be a side effect. She also has trouble going to sleep at night. I am seeing my nero Tuesday and I am going to get more infromation on side effects and what he says. all the best Tre

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