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Migraines & Epilepsy?

Thu, 05/10/2007 - 18:39
My 8 yo. son was just diagnosed with absence seizures which we think started last summer or about 1 year ago. He is having a headache spell right now for the last 1 1/2 hours with two bouts of vomiting. He has had this before (about 5 times in a years time) and I attributed it to getting over heated or exhaustion brought on by several late nights in a row. Today, I realized that I had heard of migrain sufferers vomiting and being sensitive to light and noise. Has anyone else experienced this in their children? Since we just left the ped. neuro's office, I'm sure it will be a while before we can get in again. Kim in CA


Re: Re: Migraines & Epilepsy?

Submitted by cheryla on Thu, 2007-06-21 - 09:00
Hi, My 3 year old son was diagnosed with Partial Complex seizures one year ago. He also experiences migraines. This has been difficult to diagnose in a 2-3 year old who has seizures that are not the t/c type. He will tell us that his stomach and eyes hurt and want to lay down. He has not vomited during these episodes and they respond well to Ibuprofen and sleep. The big key for me is that he remains verbal and his mentation does not change during his migraines. He does vomit after he seizures many times. So, it can be confusing. I have worried that his migraines would be followed by a seizure but have not seen this yet. I get migraines myself. They were worse in my teens and twenties. His neurologist is also a headache specialsist. She tells me that migraines run in families and that folks with epilepsy are more prone to migraines. I hope this helps. Good luck Cheryl

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