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epilepsy alarms

Wed, 10/04/2006 - 21:10
Hi, My name is Shelly and I'm fairly new to this forum. I've replied to a couple about Keppra and now have a question....Looking for any one that has some information on the purchase of seizure alarms? We're considering buying one for our daughter Lillian who just recently started having seizures and aren't sure which one would be the best. Since the beginning her seizures were the type where she would just stare off to one side, once she wet herself, once she lost control of her bowels and vomitted, but then she had some without either until this last one where she had the full body convulsing. Do you get more than one? Where's the best place to purchase them? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank You, Shelly


Re: epilepsy alarms

Submitted by tchaide05 on Sun, 2006-10-08 - 22:33
If you find out someplace, please let me know. I know I would sleep a little better at night if I had an alarm for my daughter. Mom to Lauren age 9,

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